starting from jan, its summer weed spraying every year usually twice.
season opens in march arpril may.
fields sprayed off and or cultivates in these months idealy sown april may.
dry sowing is now becoming popular on certain soiltypes especially canola and legumes.
crops sprayed for weeds june/july and up to september with fungicides if needed.
harvest nove dec
my direct costs per hectare $135 depnding on how much fertilizer. Add machinery overheads another 50 but of course depends on acres done ie more acres less costs as its spread further.
yeild of wheat hopefully most years 25 to 30 bushels per acre or 1.8 to 2 t/ha
wheat grade usually hard2 or apw.
this prices currently 280 port which means farm gate $230/235.
costs of land $300 to 500 per acre
South Australia/Tasmania are the only state which does not have GM Canola other states had it for 4 yrs now.
happy harvesting
season opens in march arpril may.
fields sprayed off and or cultivates in these months idealy sown april may.
dry sowing is now becoming popular on certain soiltypes especially canola and legumes.
crops sprayed for weeds june/july and up to september with fungicides if needed.
harvest nove dec
my direct costs per hectare $135 depnding on how much fertilizer. Add machinery overheads another 50 but of course depends on acres done ie more acres less costs as its spread further.
yeild of wheat hopefully most years 25 to 30 bushels per acre or 1.8 to 2 t/ha
wheat grade usually hard2 or apw.
this prices currently 280 port which means farm gate $230/235.
costs of land $300 to 500 per acre
South Australia/Tasmania are the only state which does not have GM Canola other states had it for 4 yrs now.
happy harvesting