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King Corn, Food Inc links

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    King Corn, Food Inc links

    Here are some insights to these documentaries. I find them interesting. The narrators do not sensationalize the storys, they just describe how the midwest US ag industry has developed.



    I've never watched king corn but I will.
    If you think Food Inc did not sensationalize, watch it again.

    here are some links on why Food Inc. is wrong.




      ggust, Ok, so Food Inc was somewhat biased! I did get a kick out the farmer guy with the odd looking cowboy hat processing his chickens. I would buy from him.


        Food Inc isn't any more biased than all the organizations that dispute that film are. I just can't get my head around for the life of me as to why people don't give what their consumer wants. Instead they spend a wack load of $ to fight critics. I can poke holes in a couple of the organizations disputes about some of Food Inc's claims but I'll save that for another time.


          Gust, just saying Food Inc is wrong is burying your head in the sand. Monsanto's public relations responses are not a substitute for informed discussion.

          Tman you are right. There are many examples of commodity groups who instead of working cooperatively with buyers to increase opportunities, spend there time telling the customers they are wrong. This is not the way to increase sales.


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