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Swiss Franc locked to Euro now!

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    Swiss Franc locked to Euro now!


    I was listening to the ched radio and the guest was saying the fiat currency system is collapsing. The Swiss have even joined the insanity by locking the Franc to the EURO because it had appreciated 40 percent in the past year.

    It was said that in 1993 China devalued their currency by 50 percent... and locked it to the US $... which is why China has done so well economically.

    Commodities and Gold/precious metals were said to be the only safe haven left... as Obama and the US Fed are in total denial! $450B stimulus package... for the US? Print more money? Where did the last 10 trillion they printed go???

    The deck chairs on the titanic are getting rearranged again and again, faster and faster, but the ship is still heading for the bottom.
    Twenty years of investing in concrete and glass is coming home to roost.
    Coincidentally, 20 yrs of running down agriculture globally is also coming home to roost.
    If the ancient egyptians had spent their time building dams and grainstores instead of pyramids, they might not have disappeared from the face of the earth



      The US became a power house economy after the 1930's BECAUSE they invested in productive assets.

      This whole 'global warming' hoax is all about spending $$$ trillions on non-productive assets that depreciate more quickly than ever before. Regulations that employ the majority of the work force,,, that produce nothing productive, yet cost us more and more to do the same productive work!

      Did you see this?

      ONLY in Canada!!!

      [Federal Gov.] Bureaucrat fired for looking at pornography on work computer gets rehired

      09/09/2011 8:00:00 AM

      by Monica Bugajski
      A Citizen and Immigration Canada senior bureaucrat fired in November of 2009 for spending the majority of his work hours surfing the Internet for porn recently got his job back by arguing that he had been bored and hadn't had enough work.

      After an internal investigation found 335 sexual images on his work computer, Franklin Andrews, a policy advisor at Citizenship and Immigration Canada, admitted that between September and November of 2008 and between May and August of 2009 he spent 50%-100% of his paid time at work finding and looking at pornographic pictures. Consequently, he was fired.

      But after appealing to the decision and basing his defense on the grounds that he was bored and didn't have a sufficient amount of work to keep him busy, the Public Service Labour Relations Board reinstated his position in early August.

      The labour board decided that because Andrews' mangers had failed to manage him, because Andrews had been a government employee, with an otherwise clear record, for such a lengthy period of time, and because Andrews had freely admitted guilt, less "heavy-handed" forms of discipline, like rehabilitation and correction, would be more appropriate.

      Now, I'm not exactly sure how or why the labour board found any rationale in Andrews' argument because, to me, his defense makes a mockery of not only the civil service but also his co-workers.

      While Andrews was twiddling his thumbs (let's hope that's all he was doing) and looking at porn out of "boredom," his colleagues were working overtime. So one could deduce that his colleagues were doing the work that Andrews should have been doing had his superiors managed him better, as the labour board claims they should have done.

      But since when do senior-level bureaucrats require such supervision and management that they cannot be held responsible for making proper use of their own time?

      Shouldn't we be trying to weed out these kinds of inept individuals?

      What I don't understand is why the labour board would want a "worker" like Andrews back. I don't care how long he's had the position, if someone admits to spending the majority of seven months looking at porn while he is being paid to do work, that person should absolutely not get his job back.

      There are so many more deserving and proactive individuals who could fill his position. It's mind-boggling that the labour board would choose to reinstate someone who is willing to brazenly waste taxpayer's resources and shamelessly ruin the reputations of other capable and hardworking civil servants.


        So Tom, how is burning less fossil fuel a bad thing? Investing in research, actual alternative energy sources, and increasing efficiencies are all productive investments in the long term that also create jobs. As fossil energy becomes more expensive using renewable alternatives and will become more economic.

        Your quote "This whole 'global warming' hoax is all about spending $$$ trillions on non-productive assets that depreciate more quickly than ever before. Regulations that employ the majority of the work force,,, that produce nothing productive, yet cost us more and more to do the same productive work!"



          I have no problem at all with clean air, water, soil/land.

          C02 'reduction'... in and of itself... if it actually added to productivity is fine. Show how India, China are especially are reducing C02? They have no intention of doing so.

          So; these massive wealth transfers going to a select few...... while treating our next generations with trillions of debt that cannot be paid back, is not sustainable. Just Printing money is a bad idea. It is not sustainable.


            Ched radio, is a propoganda machine, by
            the Albertie Conservative Pary.
            Everything conservative, good, everything
            liberal bad. Especially enjoy boiled egg
            head Rutherford & Brian Hall, two real
            men, who know it all and only want to
            guide alberties to the promise land. Why
            am I not surprised er appalled that tommie
            listens to these foolish radio heads????
            Cousin they think just like him maybeeeee.


              <i>"So Tom, how is burning less fossil fuel a bad
              thing?"</i> Unfortunately the actions from our
              western governments doesn't accomplish this
              anyway.  Making fuel arbitrarily more expensive
              for only us makes the same energy cheaper for
              China and India, who don't have the same
              emissions standards that we do.  So assuming
              that CO2 release is bad(an assumption that is
              debatable), we are actually making the problem

              <i>"Investing in research, actual alternative
              energy sources, and increasing efficiencies are
              all productive investments in the long term that
              also create jobs. As fossil energy becomes more
              expensive using renewable alternatives and will
              become more economic."</i>
              Agreed, but the marketplace has time and again
              proven to be the best, most efficient driver of
              innovation.  Government subsidies actually hinder
              innovation, and continues the incentive for
              pouring money into old inefficient technology.  
              Would we have other new innovations in more
              productive technologies if there wasn't the
              massive subsidization of bat and bird killing wind
              energy?  As long as there is a financial incentive
              to find such an alternative, the marketplace with
              it's ability to monetarily reward innovation, will
              surpass a government program or subsidy any

              Burbert, were you the guy handing out
              communist party of Canada leaflets at the CWB
              travelling road show?


                My opinion is the swiss are just chasing some dumb
                money out of the market so somebody else can
                pick up some francs on the cheap.

                The peg cant and will not last.

                The world is headed back to the gold standard,the
                currencies of the world will become convertible.

                China's dollar reserves will become worth
                something,about 10,000 dollars an ounce would be
                a ballpark number bla,bla,bla,bla.........

                I could go on and on forever about what i believe is
                coming down the pipe,and i will if anyone is
                actually interested,but i doubt many care about this
                sort of drivel.


                  Bonnie Driveller


                    cott, you mst have assumed I'm terribly boring company, as you didn't get to Brew Pub.


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