Quitin time is gettin close. Not long
now and you kin take this job and shovel
it. Pensions round the corner, rrsps,
indexing, Fu&* gag. Gonna enjoy wathin
the young whizzbangs doin there tings.
And oh by the way, along the ways, I'm
gonna yap me trap and make it harder and
hard fer Comedian gag businessss ta
exist. Sour g****s you bet, ya ain't
heard anything yet. Go angribusiness
now and you kin take this job and shovel
it. Pensions round the corner, rrsps,
indexing, Fu&* gag. Gonna enjoy wathin
the young whizzbangs doin there tings.
And oh by the way, along the ways, I'm
gonna yap me trap and make it harder and
hard fer Comedian gag businessss ta
exist. Sour g****s you bet, ya ain't
heard anything yet. Go angribusiness