The USA and Europe and China are all playing a high stakes poker game and guess what most of us are going to loose.
The USA and Europe are basically Bankrupt.
Spend spend spend and prop up everything your a winner attitude only work few days and have no hard assets just paper, one gets to a point where paper is paper and it all fails.
To me it seems we are heading down a slippery slope and guess what the brakes are about to fail, but this time their is no brake loss side ramp.
Grain prices are nice now but watch as they start to drop and drop and drop.
Fert can be high and chem can be high and all preaching of AG is the new world economy but if people cant pay for food, food will be down graded so that people don't starve.
I like the good times were having now but am getting very scared as to what will happen this fall and winter.
The USA is in real trouble, Europe is in the same boat.
Cotton what do you think, my portfolio dropped from a gain of 21% to 11% and dropping fast.
Chinese are in Cupar (north) area buying farm land and also in Lemberg area.
Is a Crash on its Way!!!!
The USA and Europe are basically Bankrupt.
Spend spend spend and prop up everything your a winner attitude only work few days and have no hard assets just paper, one gets to a point where paper is paper and it all fails.
To me it seems we are heading down a slippery slope and guess what the brakes are about to fail, but this time their is no brake loss side ramp.
Grain prices are nice now but watch as they start to drop and drop and drop.
Fert can be high and chem can be high and all preaching of AG is the new world economy but if people cant pay for food, food will be down graded so that people don't starve.
I like the good times were having now but am getting very scared as to what will happen this fall and winter.
The USA is in real trouble, Europe is in the same boat.
Cotton what do you think, my portfolio dropped from a gain of 21% to 11% and dropping fast.
Chinese are in Cupar (north) area buying farm land and also in Lemberg area.
Is a Crash on its Way!!!!