If Germany can be a a top manufacturer and
exporter and wealth creator in the world, so can
Canada. We have all the necessary requirements
to excel in business. Including the People. Never
never let anyone convince you we cannot
become what we set out to become.
We don't need to look to China or Portugal types
to lead the way for us. The first has a thousand $
per year standard of living for their farmers, and
the latter is bankrupt.
We need to work together. That begins with each
one of you........ Pars
exporter and wealth creator in the world, so can
Canada. We have all the necessary requirements
to excel in business. Including the People. Never
never let anyone convince you we cannot
become what we set out to become.
We don't need to look to China or Portugal types
to lead the way for us. The first has a thousand $
per year standard of living for their farmers, and
the latter is bankrupt.
We need to work together. That begins with each
one of you........ Pars