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Stewart Wells and the AGT Pasta Plant

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    I do try not to be influenced by the 'pig in the mud' crowd.
    But damn it, to be be against any type of value adding for any sector of the economy is the damndest thing I've heard yet.
    I now question what some of you do for a living.
    'Export or nothing' is just another 75 year old mandate we have never been able to question!


      For what it is worth, Canada processes about 250,000 tonne of domestically consumed durum (used in Canada as semilina/pasta) and exports the equivalent of 30,000 tonnes of durum. That compares to 3.5 million tonnes of durum exports. Been that way since the beginning of time.


        Al-Katib also stresses his company is not receiving any government incentives to build the Regina plant, even though he says it would not have gone ahead without a change to the Canadian Wheat Board's single desk selling system for wheat and durum.

        "If we could not buy the durum wheat from the same farmer that produces the lentils, peas and chickpeas for us---we would not have a pasta plant in Saskatchewan."

        http://www.saskatoonhomepage.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35622&It emid=424


          jdepape: Who cares?...only lobbyists such as ye.


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