So pars are you basically advocating doing nothing?
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proposed Alberta Wheat council Left meets Right
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Wd, Â if any leader is not willing to work at
reducing fat in agriculture, or redirect money and
budgets, or curtail specific spending, or re-set
expectations, they are not leadership material.
They are Combo leaders. Combos are leaders
who have self interest and can't add.Â
34 million Canadians owe over a trillion dollars in
public debt. Spending and overspending are not
the same. Which part of overspending do you
not understand ?
With my kids, it uses to be the "But, but, but I
waaaaaaannnt", part. Pars.
Part of being 'human' is co-operating with others!
I know this includes you and your liberty... which is why we propose refundable levies to respect your personal property!
The world stops for no-one. If we do not move forward ... we are left behind!
Well fine and dandy, trim the fat. I don't see investing in the future of our food supply trimming the fat.
Again, what do you propose? All research on the farmers wallet? MII money not only includes gov money, there is a large amount that comes from industry too.
Trim the fat yes, but how in any way can you say this is fat? So spending billions building a stupid hockey rink so dumb asses can pay too much for watered down beer is good use of tax dollars?
I am very opposed to funding hoola hoop sports Â
for seniors OR iPhone finger-sport for toddlers
But you already know my position on
irresponsible spending. Unless, of course, you
are unaware of the effects of chronic confusion.Â
The replacement CWB Â act maintains
governments' communist-like control over feed
mills and elevators and seed cleaning plants;
comtinuing designating them, legislatively, Â as
"works for the general advantage of Canada"
That imeans comtinuing government control of
farm buildings. Â Where was farm leadership to
allow such state intervention to  continue?Â
As well, the legislation has changed the CWB's
obligation for buying grain from the farmer  thusly:
"shall buy" the grain offered, now becomes "may
buy" the grain offered
This essentially means rhe CWB picking and Â
choosing whom they will buy from as I read
It and gives them a legal right to refuse to buy
from boarderbloke, whilst declaring his mill a
works for tje general advantage of Canada  the
govt has it both ways  pYes well.Â
 Where was leadership from the farm
community? Â Govts always look after themselves.Â
I'm the case off agriculture, which I am interested
in, Govt still rules with a communist hand. Â
Industry can lobby them for favors. And
universities will get their funding because
agriman will pay half.  Gov'ts  will brag higher  job
numbers as business glocks in   to get free
funding. Some seedgrowers will fawn for favor. Â
Obama's biotech man he appointed to the white
house wrote the textÂ
Which is nothing new.Â
But as you well know, I have a real problem  with
not only being  part of a grand food biotech
experimental project, but also with the creeping
costs of downloading onto farmers while at theÂ
same time as regulating farmers  into submission
through regulation
The number of farmer -funded projects should
not be increased in case of rampant inflation. Â
maturing should not be remewed  Ongoing
projects should not be  eliminated.Â
The amount of farmer dollars for funding should
not be increased by upping checkoffs b/c farmers
cannot afford it
If you want more funding $$, wd, for someÂ
biotech project that transforms burdock into a
deaigner pricately owned root crop, Â go hit up
your grandmother.Â
Farmers cannot afford the grand schemes of the
schemer. Pars
the grdc board in australia and im not sure but if you check out link i posted on here a while back you will find i think 8 farmers on the board and only 2 or 3 non farming directors.
one of my good freinds is on grdc as a farmer director it takes him away from his farm for 50 days a year so its a big commitment
Re biotech funding projects, not what is being discussed at all. Private companies are already doing this and don't need farmers dollar a tonne. They will get it back in the 10 bucks a bushel for seed.
Canola commissions and pulse commissions do not do that, why would wheat? what they do is basic research in disease, bugs, productivity, margins, markets, issues of trade, lobbying to benefit farmers etc.
Why not have wheat do it too?
"If our industry doesn't throw in a few pennies
and show some commitment the government will
not throw in the 20's for anything. The matching is
crazy high and hugely beneficial to us as farmers
but nothing happens if we do nothin"
Your words.
Government has to borrow that. "crazy high"
money. Repeat that fact twice to yourself. Out
loud. It hasn't installed itself yet
Western Grains foundation provides a
" few pennies" year after year, it would seem, to
the entitled ungratefull. Pars
Dam rights it should borrow that money and it should go to ensuring farming in Canada stays viable and not lagging behind every country.
Farms pay taxes and more than compensates for any "borrowing" that you parsely are so afraid of.
Your plan is to hide in the corner, not spend, shrink into no consequence, starve to death. Sounds as sustainable as land pillaging organic farming you also strongly believe in. Nutrients not replaced in the land paint a dim future for it.
Investment in our industry, making advances in knowledge, technique, policy and varieties pays back in many ways.
Stick your head in the sand or just give up being afraid to spend and ag is done for.
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