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Renting Land. ... Muenster/St Gregor/Jansen/Leroy

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    Renting Land. ... Muenster/St Gregor/Jansen/Leroy

    As the subject line reads.....

    What is the going rate in the area? So far I've gathered in the $40 - $50/ac range?

    What investment companies are active in this part of SK?

    Why are you interested in this area?
    We have several investors to the best of my knowledge. I think it is called Parkland ag something the one of past main mans was Kenton Possberg from Burr. Rented lots of land to the east near my place then to north of Muenster where the land is much better and was a buying opportunity after he had a run of bad luck. Not sure if he is involved with the new company but they seem to be doing very well lately. I think rent is 60 per acre.
    As far as the lever and kraus land was bought by a different investment company and rented to a new local farmer that is new to the area. That land had been flipped within 2 months of planting. Not sure what rent is. We also have Bernauer land that their farm is now in Richie Bro. for spring auction. Their land was purchased by a different company that is farmed by unknown by me. Why the interest in our land is unknown to me. Personally north of Muenster would be the place to invest even if the land was double the price.


      Its hard to find info about these investment companies, funny 6 years ago as a land lord you were lucky just to have a renter. These investment companies do not really want to be known search out their possible renters secretly even. Not sure what, really a different situation that what used to.


        Interesting Hopper, we have the same thing in the entire general area going on. Nobody knows much about these investor groups and some are hiding more or less behind the realty companies. Call it conspiracy theory or what ever but there is something more going on here, farming itself is not that good at it's current state to justify all this interest, With the high costs yes you can make money if all your acres are good but if you have one blip or two in a row most are toast due to the margin costs. As you stated land is flipping regularly, farmers of the year are going broke and others yet all this interest.

        In my opinion someone knows about something coming or about to happen not too far off. But what is it?

        MOre and more not farmers owning the land, and more and more how the hell are these chineese and pakis etc getting in around the investment laws to own the land? Should be a national strategy to keep canadians owning the land.


          klause you are young getting married, if you are going to make the move do it now land is going to go alot higher because something else is going on, and that area is pretty much a no loose area for crops. But if you can swing it don't turn your existing land over. These investors are not only looking for crop land they are buying quarters of bush and swamp also, so if you can hold on to yours. jmho, Good luck!


            No loose area for crops. I call Bullshit on that one. 2005-06-07-09 where all pretty big losers in the area. That is why I cant figure out the rents, most people are still trying to recover from the shitty years, but the new people coming in driving rents sky high seem to know better than the local farmers about the wet, frosts, late springs etc... Lots of investment companies coming in and buying land for the guys who couldn't compete before.


              lol wheatking I call bullshit on that too, but I keep hearing from the guys in those areas and melfort and a few others that they haven't lost a crop for x amount of years, everything is great. From fcc and others we hear about all the big money being made. I wonder how much the farm debt is now, and if prices dropped to 6 dollar canola and 3 dollar wheat what would happen, or pencil in 20 bushel canola even at these prices, does 60 buck rent work, and 250,000 tractor and combine? That's why I say there has to be something else happenning here, but in the mean time family farms are going and pretty much gone, and communities are sufferring for it.

              The prices for grain are not high if all these other costs are gonna keep going up. Because these costs do not account for the years you get the blowouts.


                I'm interested because we bought a quarter of land
                out there..... 1.5 miles south of #5, roughly 4 miles
                east of Muenster.

                It's not the "best" land in that area, but it is a really
                nice quarter to put a yard site on

                Just trying to find more now!


                  Tameling land? RM map is like 30 years old :-). Has an older yard site?? Acreages and housing is in demand here because of the new mine and mine expansions. There is a family living on that yard site wife cuts hair. Are you related? I hear it costs 8500 dollars to do a simple subdivision to sell an areage as my mother may be looking at that. My mother's place is for sale, 10km south of St.Gregor along main road, she is not asking enough, can come with 80 acres or subdivided.


                    Subdivided at buyers cost of course. :-) The Tameling land was my guess of the land you purchased I am not sure.


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