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    Applying N at .52 per lb.

    $.60/lb full service, just west of Humboldt.


      $0.55 full service west of yorkton.


        Hey maybe inputs could go under theCWB you
        could give them an initial payment then they
        could send you a bill for ? Amount the end of
        next year. They could average all the inputs and
        tack on buying costs, avertising, court cases, day
        care, stress bonuses, holidays and much more to
        give you the best price for inputs.


          Good one B/W, always thinkin arnt you... lol p/s you forgot about not paying them any intrest for the term while you use their money so to speak.


            funny stuff!!!
            $0.58 full serve
            1 hour north of regina


              Should be cheaper there, your closer to the BellePlaine plant


                56 cents with delivery near Humboldt.
                Some direct planters actually putting on anhydrous now. but unless it is 6 cents more on a pre year end buy it is not worth it to put on now in my opinion. Maybe they just want to smooth out the ruts. Subsoil moisture is good top is nice for working now. I will put my bets on conserving the moisture, typically moisture equals grain. So that would be a plus on top of not making the extra pass.


                  I think Agstar77 should have to pay 58cents like the rest of us.,. and give us all a pool payment!


                    Just bought urea at $630 or 61cents/lb. Calgary area.


                      No sulpher fines to be had at this moment. Some spreading on something called Super Salt supposed to be similar make up and actually can be blended for 410 dollars per ton. Never heard of this stuff, is it wise to put on something new without knowing if it really works, remember elemental supher? Absolutely nothing from that shit. Dealer figured told me 3 cents per pound NH3 for a typical increase at the Christmass time pre buy. Then again since this is second highest fertilizer in history for fall application and natural gas is record low price, there is a good chance of cheaper n prices coming. No guarantees of course but I will place bets this year if anyone interested.


                        56 cents delivered. We are putting down sulphur as well. Normally do it in one pass and spread sulphur fines with floater truck, but if the fines where available they cost just as much as blendable S now, so we might as well put it all down now and save the application cost. Blendable S is 435/tonne.

                        How do people normally put down S. Doesn't it get too hot for the canola putting it all down with the seed row.


                          paid $610 for urea. Crazy high prices. Still need to buy sulfur and some more urea but I think we wait and see where prices go before we make another purchase.

                          Thankful we have a lot of carryover fertilizer so our average cost per tonne is lower. I feel bad for aall of you that seeded your entire farm and dont have any cheap fert carryover..............


                            .61-.62 includes cultitvator, tank and delivery, north east sask.


                              Anyone got any insight on USA corn planting intentions, little early but that has a big effect on the price we pay.


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