The Black Lable canola Macro Nutrient was interesting. We seen a high of 5 bus/ac increase and a low of 2. Tissue samples taken after application showed an increase in phos and a more balanced nutrient ratio.
In the field we seen better plant stucture and pod developement in every treatment. Very noticable in the swather as well. I think under normal conditions a 5 bus increase could be sustained. We had sprayed it on alot of our reseeded canola that had 8 days of 30 deg heat after swathing, some of the yield potential was lost. Definitely going to try more next year as it was easy to use and net benifit was there. If I can make an extra $50 with a $7 investment, it has my attention. Question is, will using an extra $7 in N/P/S do the same? Thats next years project. Problem for us becomes volume and time at seeding if we bump fert rates. Also next year an extra $7 in fert will not go very far.
In the field we seen better plant stucture and pod developement in every treatment. Very noticable in the swather as well. I think under normal conditions a 5 bus increase could be sustained. We had sprayed it on alot of our reseeded canola that had 8 days of 30 deg heat after swathing, some of the yield potential was lost. Definitely going to try more next year as it was easy to use and net benifit was there. If I can make an extra $50 with a $7 investment, it has my attention. Question is, will using an extra $7 in N/P/S do the same? Thats next years project. Problem for us becomes volume and time at seeding if we bump fert rates. Also next year an extra $7 in fert will not go very far.