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since 208

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    since 208


    Not a pro or anti comment here but I hate when this government uses this excuse to carry on with this agenda. Like it was the only issue that ever got them elected in rural (western) Canada. How stupid do they think the people are? How big is the rural vs. urban vote in western Canada. Boy, if we only had that much influence!!


      I think it's a sad comment on our society that the government has to have any excuse at all to remove the tyranny of property confiscation from a singled out area of the country, especially when there are very dubious benefits to those forced to participate.


        Well said ranger. There should not be one single
        farmer reading this site who will not advocate,
        advance, promote, and defend land property
        rights. Is there? Pars.


          The questions I would like answered Parsley is what drives those that will use any means possible to prohibit their neighbors from prospering from their OWN PROPERTY? What background do these individuals come from that harbor such deep seeded greed and jealous envy? What makes them so afraid of personal success? It is truly hard to understand.


            Highwayman: Fear, loathe and envy, (as John Gormley would say). Instead of being jealous of a successful neighbour, try emulating them. Negative feelings waste too much energy.


              Highwayman, it is living by comparison. The MSM in Canada is now on about how the gap between the rich and poor is growing. A true statement depending on where you put the dividing line between rich and poor. The complete story is the poor are getting richer but the rich are getting richer a little faster. The socialist solution is to take from the rich and give to the poor while skimming some off. Result everyone is equally poor.
              How many of us can say "I am content, in my circumstances".


                I've thought hard about your question
                highwayman because it's a dandy that probes the
                heart of the political battle at hand. 

                Wilagro, Aggie and stubble want the same things
                as both you and I want.... homes, pay for their
                kid's college and a pint of beer. 

                But they want to get it differently  

                Instead of creating additional, greater,
                neverending wealth, that holds no boundaries
                (think aboutJupiter elements added to the
                Periodic table or imagine biotech leg transplants
                allowing an amputee to work , or think swiping
                clean Obama's mind of content so he  is unable
                to make any more truly stupid decisions).all of
                which require work and planning and investment,
                they want immediate wealth. Now. 

                You and I have observed and concluded that
                creating wealth enriches everyone in the world  
                Demand expands as services and goods expand.
                Think iPad. It's a slow process. Not an instant

                You and I have consciuosly chosen to follow this
                path; this way of improving and expanding skills
                and services and riches through hard work and
                Education and invention. Creating wealth. 

                It's a wonder to behold. 

                And then there are those who want to simply
                take.  Its so damn easy!  Grab a piece of the
                handy wealth that looks good and works well &  
                take it because you want it. now. 

                And because stealing has become politically
                incorrect in comparison to the days when my
                Viking kin simply went out & pillaged, well,
                people invented taxation.

                Taxiation  is recorded theft.

                Outright taking is an effective, immediately
                gratifying tactic for the  self-serving who force-
                collaborate with others to take what they want. 

                Many have learned that unlimiting wealth does
                not come from taxation. 

                The 'now' crowd lefties, aka the entitled , are true
                to who they are....expecting the good life without
                doing the work and owning the risk,  but instead
                accumulate money through taxing you, by
                treating your property as theirs'. 

                They need to stand on their own two feet,
                highwayman.  Pars


                  Good answer Pars.

                  The other thing that socialists tend to accept as fact is that all money is the governments to dole out as they see fit. While money is a representation, or facsimile of wealth, printed by government, it is the valuable “something” that represents someone’s hard work, or valuable product that someone created. So when some socialist says that all the money is the governments, what they are really saying is that anything you do or make is also owned by the government. What a great way to encourage me to sit back, relax, and enjoy someone else’s work confiscated by government. See Greece for an example.

                  The truly troubling thing is that they don’t understand that when you or I create wealth, it enriches everyone. <b>Destroy that incentive to create wealth, and virtually everyone suffers. </b> The U.S., at least until it’s recent abandonment of its capitalist roots, has been bar none, the most successful country in history for creating wealth. Yes, it’s unevenly distributed, but even if you are the most unproductive person in the U.S., you are still far better off than the vast majority of people who’ve ever lived before you in any other economic system.


                    This next is not aimed at anyone on angryville as I don't believe they are non-productive.
                    My pet theory is: 3 generations past the 'survival' generation-(that which could survive by their wit or brawn) and common sense is lost (flip a switch or bitch).
                    Consider; their were no 'teenagers' before WWII. Children or adults in duties.
                    Also; for the first time in our history, we are fast approaching the point where the next generation will not have a 'better' standard of life than the previous.
                    Point: -to all the 'gimmees'
                    Steel is hard because it's been through the fire and felt the hammer.


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