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    Rewind 4 years ago-there is no-good damn way
    wheat will ever hit 20,bla,bla,bla


      Grass farmer I'm not racist god I'm the furthest from this. But what ps me off is fact saskatchewan farmers are selling to these BS land companies and then having their neighbors rent it back. This makes no sense at all.
      Let us Saskatchewan farmers buy were willing to pay the same hell maybe even more. But when I read this companies mission statement it sounds like Saskatchewan farmers are stupid and we can pick up property and make a fast buck for the investors.


        Cotton, how many chineese pakistani and india population? Excuse my ignorance but is it 2, 3 or 4 billion? What does it cost to feed 1 person a day 10 bucks or so. So what does it cost them to feed themselves a day? That makes the 60 billion trivial doesn't it? That problem is getting worse for them by the minute. They are so overpopulated they are using up their farmland just for space housing etc. So what is the potential we are giving up by selling our land to them? You said it yourself wheat will be 20 bucks plus right? Are they gonna buy from us for 20 bucks or just grow it and take it home?

        As far as buying the thousand shares of gold I can't, shit weather the last number of years so not possible for me. The pasta plant shares, gold shares etc. don't mean a damn thing to us. Interesting one of the selling points for the pasta plant was to buy shares. so let's see how this works, pasta plant buys as low as possible from me, makes big profit and then because they buy low from me I cannot buy shares but richer folks buy shares and then make more money off my shit price of wheat. I do how much of the work and risk? That pretty much sums up why land prices were what they were. In a way that is what the 1 and 99 thing is about. Only thing is it isn't 1 and 99 it is 1% millionaires plus another what 30 t0 50 % of right around the corner millionaires, or wantabe think they are types, basically against the rest of us. when I say against the rest of us I mean the system doesn't work for us we cannot partake in the share thing, we are just surviving and in many ways providing the part that the rich need to exploit in order to get richer. Clear example is the cattle industry, the fat cats screwed the cow calf people till there was no one left to screw and look what happenned. Even at all time high prices people are not going back the industry is dead because there are not enough suckers at the low end to exploit, just so what a few people can make a million a year in bonuses etc. So while some are playing with shares the rest of us are praying the car doesn't clunk out because don't want to walk.

        so 2 elections recently and agriculture and these issues got how much attention?

        So cotton my reality that I would like to see is that Canadians own the land, and we set what price we want, which if we kept it Canadian would be not too far off.

        sf3 you bet they think we are stupid because we are. that 1,000 land is worth 2 or 3,000 for them, because what happens when you get 2, 3 or 4 billion people fighting over enough food for 1 billion?
        There needs to be a national strategy for keeping canadians farming, and in fact inticing young canadians to farm. The world hunger thing is just around the corner and we are selling off the greatest asset of all. No money for that? Just type in canada grants and loans and then go to oil industry.

        Oh and happytrails I don't dislike you, I love the extreme because when this country fails like the us because we are stupid enough to want to be just like a country that is going broke and we sell off everything to foreign owners and we all become peasants, the hammer will come down on the fake fluke majority. But who cares right those Mulroney money bags will be full by then for the chosen few won't they!

        The extreme nuts don't like me because
        they know I know what their bullshit is all about, lol. They'd rather this forum be like that Sun spun news where there is only the right nutballs praising themselves and sending love letters of encouragement to each other, and having a so called debate with only one person debating one side of the story reported and not even those points are correct.

        Grassfarmer I too am emberrassed that canadian farmers have been and continue to be treated as we have. You are right about the language though!


          Had a look through it and it almost made me puck....... Damn traitors to Canada.


            Riders2010 has an interesting point. Some farmers, not consistently contributing to AV are still really just medium sized, not super managers on top of everything, and having general day to day concerns about raising their young children, servicing debt, and next years fertilizer etc. Buying land is difficult and comes from after tax dollars. It would take an operating loan 1.5 times normal to make "all the right moves" and even then, we still have to produce a very good yielding crop. I know grain prices have improved, but in 19 years of farming, there was only 2 years where I used the words bullish, and farming in the same sentence! There are some really big farmers in my area 15,000-50,000 acres. They are staring at 46- 50 yrs old. I wonder what their next step will be? When these guys want to retire as multimillionaires, who are they going to sell/rent to?


              Oh shit open a can of worms and come back home 2 days later. since I started it all with the screw the chinese post I do feel whole heartedly that yes we will screw you. Your neighbours will not be nice if you do not speak English first and go to the local bowling alley curling rink play poker night etc etc. Just us farming community is not used to that shit ok, we have communities in which everyone pitches in, Phillipines are doing one hell of a job of fitting in, they go to church for one. A lot of this talk is very controvertial. Cotton you will not buy land in China without being a Chinese citizen. There are more rules on owning businesses etc in China for foriegners than we have here, we are displaying an open door in hopes the ****ing stuck door in China will open. And Sask3 is entirely wrong we locals are not paying or matching the chinese bids. Not sure where you get that one from.


                True Cotton we are so much into a global economy everything intertwined. Your not going to buy land in China unless your a chinese citizen and in order to be a chinese citizen you also must delete your Canadian status. Eat them poison apples.


                  china does not allow dual citizenship we do


                    Locals lets know if you don't know who is investing in this land. I had a chance to get started in lurring in these buyers and new all about them just wanting to get the kids into this country spare no expense and spare no expense means just that. But it just was not for me or my ex spouse a made in china lady maybe it was the fact we were going to **** her closest friends that ended our business we did not start into it. The investors are there, they will pay 200 thousand for the shitiest quarter no shit we have not seen nothing yet. We are under selling in my opinion and to cotton's belief that our money means nothing. To Sask. 3 you cannot match it.


                      OK so I cant match it I agree their is trillions in China looking for a place to call home. But here is my NDP hat why not sell farmland no more than a quarter to foreigners that move to Saskatchewan. AGAIN MOVE TO SASKATCHEWAN NOT VANCOUVER>
                      and these land companies can run the farm but get serious on rent. They need to no crop prices go up but also down like this falls 30% drop.


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