Has anyone ever seen documented proof of the $500,000,000?
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Stop The Steamroller and Support The Canadian Wheat Board
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This is starting to smell like the 'Lost Cause' movement where Southern historians successfully tweaked history so the unwashed believed skewed justifications and foolish 'what if scenarios'.
I fear I'll be hearing this stuff in my long-term care home.
Heck, last night a younger farmer told me some outlandish defenses of the Board. Oh well..........
If the CWB realized hefty priemiums for farmers,
such as you claim there are, you can bet Richard
Gray or Ken Rosassan at Uof S would be
circulating a study of the benefits to farmers...
Hard core $$ numbers at the farmgate....
And there would be conference after conference
of CWB gloating..
Maybe the CWB has planned for a farmers'
centennial payment instead of a final payment.
One every hundred years. Pars
Why would anyone want to figure out how the CWB works. They are middlemen who add nothing and cost unkown and arbitrary amount probably designed to thwart others marketing efforts. That is not in farmers economic interests. Example ....... Got an offer today of $5.00 barley (picked up, 5 bucks clear after all expenses). The detail is that it is going to the USA and so has to be bought back from the CWB. The way I look at this is that the CWB is sucking the buyback out of what I really should be getting for my barley. Tell me that this isn't a case of the CWB costing farmers money, rather than extracting a premium. PS. the answer to the broker was that there was no interest in doing business with the CWB. Further; it is possible to get $5 dollars for barley in the prairies; without going through the CWB. GET RID OF THOSE CWB PUPPIES NOW!!!!!!
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oneoff posted Nov 5, 2011 0:28
Just for interest's sake; does anyone know what the CWB buyback for barley going into the USA would be?
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Guess there is no point in asking you I_F to post your answer on the CWB benefits example. None of your herd of sheep have done at all. If you had any actual Integrity, you would.
Here is the link: https://www.agriville.com/cgi-bin/forums/viewThread.cgi?1320250918
Why should there be a buyback just load your barley on an empty corn truck heading back,or a empty soymeal truck, or an empty distillers grain truck, or an empty pasta truck how about an empty canola truck, trust me there is lots of them here at Altona and we canadains don't complain. No sur re Bob but our very own CWB has tried to BRAIN WASH us into thinking it is the Berlin wall.How about all of these empty new combine and new tractor trucks going south put some sides on them and they would love a backhaul...
[URL="https://www.agriville.com/cgi-bin/forums/viewThread.cgi?1320250918"] So when is the answer coming?[/URL]
The Harper Gov. will not detour from thier/our mandate , to give the western Canadian farmers the same liberties and freedoms that our eastern Canadian farmers enjoy today.
Ritz and the Harper gov. know all about the corupt , unaccountable backroom BS. dealings of the CWB.
Taking away the CWB 's manopoly will ensure a more efficiant ,accountable marketing system.
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