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To CWB: Follow the cheese

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    To CWB: Follow the cheese

    To CWB: Follow the cheese

    At a recent Alberta meeting of District
    Managers at the Canadian Federation of
    Independent Business, we watched an
    excellent video based on the book Who
    Moved My Cheese? by Dr. Spencer Johnson.
    Later in the meeting, CFIB celebrated
    the recent news of the long-awaited
    victory of legislation to remove the
    monopoly of the Canadian Wheat Board. I
    hadn’t thought of this connection until
    one of our Alberta reps made a joke
    about the need for the CWB Board and
    Executive to watch this video.

    Who Moved My Cheese? is a story about a
    maze with two mice and two humans that
    are accustomed to finding their “cheese”
    (a metaphor for happiness or success) in
    the same place every day. When the
    cheese supply disappears, the mice just
    scurry on to find new cheese. The two
    humans (Hem and Haw) are angry and find
    themselves unprepared and hungry.
    Finally, Haw pulls himself together and
    begins a search for new cheese. Hem
    keeps his victimized mindset and refuses
    to move on.

    This aptly describes the situation at
    the Canadian Wheat Board. For decades,
    prairie wheat and barley farmers have
    wanted the same rights as farmers in
    other parts of Canada: to choose their
    own customers and marketing approaches
    without having it dictated to them by a
    government agency. In survey after
    survey, a strong majority of CFIB’s
    1,900 prairie farm members have told us
    that they want “dual marketing,” which
    would allow them to sell to the board or
    choose to market their wheat or barley
    themselves. In my days at CFIB in both
    Winnipeg and Calgary, I can remember
    several older farmers telling me they
    hoped to live long enough to see the day
    their children would be able to market
    their own products.

    On the day the legislation to remove the
    board’s monopoly was introduced, I was
    invited to attend the announcement with
    Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and
    Agri-Food. This was a big day for CFIB:
    We’ve been part of an impressive network
    of prairie organizations lobbying for
    such a change for many, many years.
    After countless surveys, meetings,
    coalitions, news releases and
    parliamentary presentations, it was very
    gratifying to be representing our
    members at the annoucement.

    However, what has happened in the days
    following the announcement is very
    disappointing. Just like Hem, the
    Canadian Wheat Board has decided to
    ignore its responsibilities to the
    farmers and, instead, sue the Federal
    government to try to retain the power to
    force farmers to sell their grain in the
    way the CWB feels is best. Simply put,
    the board refuses to recognize its
    “cheese” has moved.

    At this stage, the board’s job should be
    to work quickly to negotiate a plan to
    remain viable in the competitive
    landscape. It will have tremendous
    advantages in the market place,
    including financial guarantees, many
    assets, staff and an internationally
    known brand.

    The government plans to remove the
    monopoly by Aug. 1, 2012, giving some
    time and much support for these changes
    to take place. Still, without the CWB
    coming to terms with its new realities,
    there is a real risk it may cease to be
    a viable force in the wheat and barley
    business. In the past few weeks, two
    directors have resigned from the board
    over its lawsuit to keep its monopoly.
    These are the very people it needs to
    prepare for the new reality.

    When asked, nearly 60% of CFIB agri-
    business members said it was very or
    somewhat important for the CWB to remain
    a marketing option. While monopoly
    supporters say the board can’t exist in
    a dual marketing setting, international
    experience and common sense say
    otherwise. The wheat board continues to
    have many fans, including some CFIB
    members, and it can reinvent itself if
    it chooses to do so. Suing the Federal
    government — in fact, suing the
    taxpayers of Canada — is a terrible way
    to start.

    In his hopes Hem will get back in the
    game, Haw writes many inspirational
    messages on the walls of the maze. One
    of them appears custom-written for the
    CWB board and executive: “Adapt to
    change quickly: The quicker you let go
    of old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy
    new cheese.” Here’s hoping the CWB drops
    its ridiculous and counter-productive
    lawsuit and gets on with the business of
    preparing itself to play an important
    role in prairie agri-business in the
    future. If not, the board members will
    be the unwitting authors of a depressing
    business story called “Who Moved My

    • Dan Kelly is senior-vice president of
    legislative affairs for the Canadian
    Federation of Independent Business
    (CFIB), which represents the interests
    of small and medium-sized businesses and
    lobbies on behalf of its 108,000 members
    at the federal, provincial and municipal
    levels. Follow Dan on Twitter @CFIB

    A picture of Hems face would have been any body I've ever asked certain 'why' questions of. I've seen that 'look'. Sad. Don't worry about the directors too much longer though. It's our Pequod not theirs.


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