I'm going to keep hammering.
Debate has brought out the worse in most people, of cousre it does in this issue, because it is not a debate. The PINKO COMMY LEFTIES ****'S have the referee in thier pocket, not much longer. The weasles like Willy, I F and THE 8 RATS will disappear when the field becomes level. A good referee keeps things level and barely uses his whistle, and that is what makes a debate.
Debate has brought out the worse in most people, of cousre it does in this issue, because it is not a debate. The PINKO COMMY LEFTIES ****'S have the referee in thier pocket, not much longer. The weasles like Willy, I F and THE 8 RATS will disappear when the field becomes level. A good referee keeps things level and barely uses his whistle, and that is what makes a debate.