Just sitting here with a bit of a hangover and wondering to myself "How does a person first start to consider someone else's property as part of their own?"
Does little Johnny Stubble follow his daddy over to the fencerow, look across at the neighbors nice wheat field, and then listen to his daddy say "You know Johnny, even though our neighbor got his crop in early, used clean seed, used fertilizer, sprayed at the right time with the right product, when it comes time to sell it, our farm will get a portion of his crop. The wheat board will always ensure that our neighbor shares his money with us. Isn't that great Johnny?"?
Does little Johnny Stubble follow his daddy over to the fencerow, look across at the neighbors nice wheat field, and then listen to his daddy say "You know Johnny, even though our neighbor got his crop in early, used clean seed, used fertilizer, sprayed at the right time with the right product, when it comes time to sell it, our farm will get a portion of his crop. The wheat board will always ensure that our neighbor shares his money with us. Isn't that great Johnny?"?