Comedians, at work on Angriville.
Marketeers, crying fer freedom. Chaos
reins. Multi-nationals and railroads,
licking there chops and drulling cause
there gonna make some real coin soon.
Farmers, being flushed by a gobermont
who has little or no respect fer the
Comedians cause theys so few of them
left out on the farm. The yanks must be
pissing themselves, lookin at what is
now happening. Framer vote is useless
now fer the same reason. Go figure!!!!!
Marketeers, crying fer freedom. Chaos
reins. Multi-nationals and railroads,
licking there chops and drulling cause
there gonna make some real coin soon.
Farmers, being flushed by a gobermont
who has little or no respect fer the
Comedians cause theys so few of them
left out on the farm. The yanks must be
pissing themselves, lookin at what is
now happening. Framer vote is useless
now fer the same reason. Go figure!!!!!