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Next on my agenda

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    Next on my agenda

    The CWB is gone- now its time to get rid of my broker. My accountant always told me that I should invest my money back to where it came from. The TSX lost 6.5% since Jan4/11 till Oct 31/11, but my account lost 10.5% in the same time frame and this has been happening for the last 20 years. Brad Wall is in power again, Steven Harper again, now with a majority, the CWB is almost gone and by the weekend my broker will be be just a little bit poorer. Life is so good -it must suck to be a socialist!

    lesm: I really do admire people like yourself. I wish I had the courage to stay out of crop insurance,and not accept the 30 an acre for to wet. Yes i guess Iam a socialist, even though i vote pc. If you accept these, or any other government program, then at least have the balls to admit you are abit of a socialist too. If you or any other one is having trouble following this then read:
    socialism |ˈsō sh əˌlizəm|
    a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole


      smallguy, Crop Insurance is as much a subsidy to the banks as it is to farmers.

      Just sayin.


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