Interestin thread,life of pools in Australia now
ranges from 4 to 5 months to traditional 15 to 18
month and everything in between.
High risk pools with alot of hedging down to low
risk pools,but risk is always with farmer compared
to cash sales
Another company as a innovative pool pays
every for 12 months
Fact is all these various pools are to attract
people back to them as pooling has become a bit
of a archaic dinosaur to many
Myself have pooled 200 tone in cargill premium
pool about 7% of my mce
ranges from 4 to 5 months to traditional 15 to 18
month and everything in between.
High risk pools with alot of hedging down to low
risk pools,but risk is always with farmer compared
to cash sales
Another company as a innovative pool pays
every for 12 months
Fact is all these various pools are to attract
people back to them as pooling has become a bit
of a archaic dinosaur to many
Myself have pooled 200 tone in cargill premium
pool about 7% of my mce