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Ritz and his government controled grain company is helping themselves to the contingency fund.

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    On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed an application from the CWB for leave to appeal a ruling on the Government of Canada's advocacy directive. No reasons were provided. As a result, the directive - initially issued in October 2006 - remains in force. It prevents the CWB from spending money "advocating retention of the CWB's monopoly powers".



      You are likely right although the definition of propaganda and providing facts
      might differ. Both have to be accountable to their electorate/stakeholders. One is
      a political organization and the other is a business.

      You have never commented on the purpose of the contingency and what it should
      it should be used for. Can you help me understand the purpose and safeguards in
      the current Producer Payment Option (not overall pooling system) contingency
      fund? If we have a common understanding here, the remainder of the discussion
      on this issue will be easy. I think it is appropriate to be transferred into the new
      organization to look after risk/need for a rainy day fund to look after forward
      contracting alternatives financial backstopping. Do you disagree?

      It is not the CWB or the pooling systems money. It belongs to the farmers who
      have used the programs in the past and could use them in the future. Do you


        You are right in highlighting by the way Larry. Doesn't seem to have made much difference.


          Chuck. The point is that very soon we will know
          exactly what you spent the money on, Face it your
          term is almost over so be smart and move on. There
          will definitely be an august 2 2012 it will come right
          after august 1st


            Note the following that would cause me concern.

            From the release -"In explaining its first hike to the contingency fund limit last
            week, Ottawa said it had to raise the ceiling to $100-million because a
            forecasted surplus from “non-pool activities” would make the account “surpass
            its current limit of $60-million.” The government argued it might be “distorting
            pool returns” if it returned contingency-fund surpluses to accounts ultimately
            rebated to producers."

            Is this an admission that basis levels are being kept artificially wide to top up the
            contingency. Any thing above $60 million would have been deposited in the
            pooling accounts and used to pay for expenses including the steamrolling
            campaign. Anyone PPO programs (record sign up this year) should be

            Definition of "non pooling activities". Does this mean the CWB is cash trading
            outside the pooling system and taking profits/losses on activities?


              Some years ago, the CWB exceeded their
              marketing savvy quota and their adding and
              subtracting slills and consequently asked the
              government of Canada to either pour a pail of
              money into the pools or else the CWB had to
              send a bill to farmers.

              Who owned that loss? The farmers or the

              The government took the hit.

              And tommorow, if their is a huge MF related
              Loss on the books by way of MGX, The CWB's
              Grain exchange seat trading genius is well-
              practiced in loss-passing onto the pooling
              accounts, a nice dirty little dump on the farmer,
              indeed. Again. bucket reminds us, doeant he.

              Ian mcCreary forgot all about it at his revolving-
              door parliamentary presentations I'll bet. But he
              deserves to own the loss along with the rest of
              the single desk memory-losers

              One example farmers took the hit.
              The other, government took the hit.

              Both hits were the result of CWB asses: an end
              in site that will surely be d****d by rescinding
              legislation. Pars


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