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Just the tip of the iceberg

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    Just the tip of the iceberg

    <a href="http://www.moneytalks.net/market-
    about-to-blow-uph.html">Uh Oh</a>

    Link not working.

    Oh Oh. "Regulated" Derivative Markets About To
    Blow Up? PDF Print E-mail
    Written by Karl Denniger
    Friday, 18 November 2011 11:52

    Dear Clients, Industry Colleagues and Friends of
    Barnhardt Capital Management,

    It is with regret and unflinching moral certainty
    that I announce that Barnhardt Capital
    Management has ceased operations. The reason
    for my decision to pull the plug was excruciatingly
    simple: I could no longer tell my clients that their
    monies and positions were safe in the futures and
    options markets – because they are not. And this
    goes not just for my clients, but for every futures
    and options account in the United States. The
    entire system has been utterly destroyed by the
    MF Global collapse. Given this sad reality, I could
    not in good conscience take one more step as a
    commodity broker, soliciting trades that I knew
    were unsafe or holding funds that I knew to be in

    I have learned over the last week that MF Global is
    almost certainly the mere tip of the iceberg. There
    is massive industry-wide exposure to European
    sovereign junk debt. While other firms may not be
    as heavily leveraged as Corzine had MFG
    leveraged, and it is now thought that MFG’s
    leverage may have been in excess of 100:1, they
    are still suicidally leveraged and will likely stand
    massive, unmeetable collateral calls in the coming
    days and weeks as Europe inevitably collapses. I
    now suspect that the reason the Chicago
    Mercantile Exchange did not immediately step in
    to backstop the MFG implosion was because they
    knew and know that if they backstopped MFG,
    they would then be expected to backstop all of
    the other firms in the system when the failures
    began to cascade – and there simply isn’t that
    much money in the entire system. In short, the
    problem is a SYSTEMIC problem, not merely
    isolated to one firm.

    comment via Karl Denniger:

    Oh boy.

    Look folks, the risks involved here are real.

    Rick Santelli was just on CNBC pointing out that
    there have been no answers forthcoming on the
    MF Global mess. There are reports that several
    people who you would never expect to have
    gotten caught in something like this did, including
    Gerald Celente.

    The reason they got caught is the same reason I
    would have gotten caught if I had been clearing
    through MF Global: Despite being around the
    markets since well before the 2000 crash and
    having successfully negotiated that and the 2008
    mess everyone has believed, right up until MF
    blew up, that customer funds were in fact
    segregated and thus this risk would never occur.

    Simply put everyone has now discovered that this
    assumption is wrong.

    Nothing that has come out of the CME, the SEC or
    Washington DC that has restored my confidence
    that MF Global is, in fact, a one-off situation. In
    point of fact The Fed is now requiring margin on
    certain repo transactions where they never did
    before, implying that there may well be additional
    snakes in the grass and additional unrecognized
    and intentionally hidden risks of this sort.

    Read Ann's entire missive. Yes, it's highly partisan,
    but given what has just happened and Obama's
    continued insistence that "no crimes were
    committed" (yet no grand juries have been
    convened to investigate, so how would he know?)
    it is entirely justified.

    Folks, we must insist that the rule of law be
    brought back into the forefront. We mustdo this
    particularly with credit instruments and other OTC
    derivatives and that has to happen right now. In
    addition all off-balance sheet BS must be ended

    I have, since 2007, advocated that all credit
    instruments be forced onto an exchange and that
    cash margin be required on all underwater
    positions, marked nightly, without exception or
    offset. This has been "pooh-poohed" as impractical
    due to bespoke contracts and other

    Now it turns that I was in fact right - there were
    additional "snakes" in the grass that were
    cheating. First we had ENRON, then Bear and
    Lehman and now this.

    Here's reality folks: We either fix this problem and
    do it now or you had better pray that Europe
    doesn't detonate, because if it does you're going
    to see the very thing that everyone was talking
    about back in 2008 happen on a global scale, it's a
    hundred times the size that Lehman was, and we
    will not be immune to it here in the United States
    -- in fact we'll damn near be the "center of the

    There is the potential for an imminent cascade
    failure on these contracts just as there was in
    2008; it has not gone away, it has not been
    attenuated, it has in fact grown in size since 08
    and if we do not act to put a stop to it and the risk
    becomes realized it will be too late.


      link doesn't work for me


        Fixed, i think

        <a href="http://www.moneytalks.net/market-
        opinion/6174-oh-oh-qregulatedq-derivative-markets-about-to-blow-uph.html">Uh Oh</a>



          [URL="http://www.moneytalks.net/market-opinion/6174-oh-oh-qregulatedq-derivative-markets-about-to-blow-uph.html"]Uh Oh[/URL]


            Thanks for posting that,missed it.

            I have heard the mf missing funds are around 3 billion.


              Been watching it closely even all last week. T
              Real Clear Politics runs some depth
              commentaries on it. Pars


                The fact that denninger is pulling the plug?

                Everyone has been watching this mf thing like a
                hawk,if somebody like denninger is saying liquidate
                because the derivatives domino has tipped-we are in
                trouble to the nth degree,like 1 quadrillion
                trouble,checkmate germany we win ww2.

                This news has hardly hit any fringe economic sites.


                  So - sell any grains/oilseeds we have left - cash out and hang on, or WTF?


                    After 1929 crash, my grandmother bought a
                    brand new fancy car for a ridiculously cheap
                    price. The dealer needed money for food

                    Cash was handy. Pars


                      ha, I sold yesterday at the close.
                      USA dollar ended up the day down slightly, not good I think for grain prices. USA is on borrowed time. Hard to say, the thing they and Canada have going for them is the incoming immigrants bringing in millions of dollars, skills, etc. What we fail to take note of is the ski rocketting amount of new immigrants going back to their home countries.


                        Granted the amount of immigrants going back today is not important typically unheard of. If it rises by 50 percent per year could be a different story and is happenning


                          Don't worry the money in your investment is only an illusion. There is only one way to sort this out, unfettered capitalism.

                          Besides you probably need more exercise chopping wood and hauling water.


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