Hahaha! Too funny! All you outboard fanatics really
amuse me. One massive crop failure or a critical crash
in grain prices and you'll all be bellying up to the Govt
for a bail out. It happens every time. Never met a
farmer who sent back a Govt payment. This is not
about the CWB, it's about industry working together to
achieve positive outcomes - like every other industry
does - associations to further their own interests.
Socialism and community of the common are two
different things.
amuse me. One massive crop failure or a critical crash
in grain prices and you'll all be bellying up to the Govt
for a bail out. It happens every time. Never met a
farmer who sent back a Govt payment. This is not
about the CWB, it's about industry working together to
achieve positive outcomes - like every other industry
does - associations to further their own interests.
Socialism and community of the common are two
different things.