The real irony is that most of the subsidy gets capitalized into the milk quota, the value of which retires with the dairy farmer who was originally granted the quota in the first place. The only thing that keeps it going is ever increasing prices, which in turn increases the quota value for newer entrants. Almost like a giant pyramid scheme, with consumers funding it.
Supply management may have started out well intentioned, but results are deviating further and further from desirable for society as a whole. In effect, it is becoming an idiotic system that requires the poor to subsidize the rich. Much like the Monty Python "Dennis Moore" skit.
Supply management may have started out well intentioned, but results are deviating further and further from desirable for society as a whole. In effect, it is becoming an idiotic system that requires the poor to subsidize the rich. Much like the Monty Python "Dennis Moore" skit.