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How do you have your farm office set up?

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    How do you have your farm office set up?

    We are looking into remodeling our old house. Right now our office is a desk in our living room. How big should your farm office be? We could use any advice and ideas...sometimes two of use fighting to get on the computer or desk to pay bills.. Am thinking now that having it big enough for a meeting table would be nice.

    Need lots of space if your like me and things get put on hold while your busy. Best thing in my office is lateral filing cabinets. Easy access to files.


      I think costco may have the best bang for buck desks,with modular types that can be set up in different configurations.

      http://www.costco.ca/Common/Category.aspx?ec=BCCA-EC8137-Cat4463&pos=0&whse=BCCA&topnav=&cat=3950&eCat=BCCA |93|2720|3950&lang=en-CA


        I think a good organized office pays dividends big
        time. Try to keep the piles of paper down and
        things run smoothly.

        I can relate to the fight over the computer. We
        ended up putting in two to give better access.

        I also like vertical file cabinets. I have a combined
        laser fax/printer/copier on the cabinet as well as a
        metal file organizers.

        I like to have a large desk for a big work area with a
        drop to the side. A big comfortable office chair. A
        seperate room with a door to block out some of the
        kids music.

        I also like to have corkboard on the wall so I can
        keep important notices etc. hung up and close at

        Take some time and think it out and you won't
        believe how much more productive you are in the
        right surroundings.


          I the nicely remodeled farm houses I know the farm office has an outside direct entrance, couch and 4 good sturdy chairs for visitors, a full size office wrap around desk with rolling chair, the desk being open enough that visitor/s can sit on the other side from the farm manager. Size I have seen the best 12 feet by 12 feet with outside door and entrance plus inside door to the rest of the house. If you can, having its own adjoining wash/bathroom is really nice!

          Have fun! This can be the most important room in your re-modeled farm house!!!



            One bedroom in Old farm house converted to office with outside door added plus a window. Big desk and chairs for visitors. Maps all over the place both Oil, Gas, Mineral, Who owns what plus our property. My Toy collection lines the walls. Computer plus docking stations for blackberry and Ipad2. Filling cabinet.
            Office in city in Basement room similar with live camera of yard at farm direct to house in city.


              Lock on door so wife doesn't catch you looking at


              A woman goes to her doctor and says "i've gone
              into the bathroom and caught my husband
              masturbating twice,what should i do?"

              doctor says "knock first"


                Wow thanks for the ideas. I don't think we will have the space for a meeting table...just use the kitchen table like now.
                I like the idea of filing cabinets to keep the clutter and paperwork organized.

                What kind of flooring do you like?
                Carpet, hardwood?


                  If you're expecting to meet with people there you will need the coffee maker and a small fridge for mix. The ice maker is nice on the hot days.



                    On flooring an easy to clean floor that a rolling chair works well on... as folks will track in dirt and messes no doubt. Your budget will determine how 'nice' that floor is! A good thick hardwood is probably the best!



                      Plan on an air conditioning system... if possible! Computers make heat and on hot summer days it isn't much fun if it isn't cool in the office!


                        Invaluable: 1. One of those old fashioned heavy
                        metal pencil sharpeners. 2. Bookcase 3. Some
                        of your favorite art on the walls. Framed. 4. A
                        dust buster plugged in. 5. Rugs and curtains (ie
                        fibre glass) that do not shed as it shortens
                        electronics' lives. 6. Good lighting. 7. One of
                        those special swishy furry hand dust mops for
                        dusting electronics. 8. Bouquet of fresh flowers.


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