Mallee and cott. There is a psychological inertia ,
I find, as well as the usual reluctance to do
The CFFJ was a core of dedicated doers. The
bull of farmers though, waited to see what would
happen so they didn't have to put themselves on
the line. Same now.
Organic will continue to market. But difereve id
won't have a buyback. If you need some grunt
work done, i could dedicate a liittle time for
commercial grain. The venture is huge, but
dwarfed by potential returns Pars
I find, as well as the usual reluctance to do
The CFFJ was a core of dedicated doers. The
bull of farmers though, waited to see what would
happen so they didn't have to put themselves on
the line. Same now.
Organic will continue to market. But difereve id
won't have a buyback. If you need some grunt
work done, i could dedicate a liittle time for
commercial grain. The venture is huge, but
dwarfed by potential returns Pars