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Will Prices For Wheat & Barley Go Up on Aug 1st?

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    Mallee and cott. There is a psychological inertia ,
    I find, as well as the usual reluctance to do

    The CFFJ was a core of dedicated doers. The
    bull of farmers though, waited to see what would
    happen so they didn't have to put themselves on
    the line. Same now.

    Organic will continue to market. But difereve id
    won't have a buyback. If you need some grunt
    work done, i could dedicate a liittle time for
    commercial grain. The venture is huge, but
    dwarfed by potential returns Pars


      Pars is right,you need critical mass and momentum to
      start something,like those snowballs that form
      themselves once in a while in fields,perfect
      wind,moisture temperature.

      Nothing we are capable of.


        ASRG, 350/ac on pasture with black soil
        on ur area sound good. My farm is just
        west of Rimbey, Alberta and soil range
        is grey to light black. Currently lease
        is hayland but can work up and seed back
        to pure alfalfa hayland. Figure at
        present market and include 2nd cut would
        come close to 435/ac which is better
        than pastureland (250/ac). With cattle
        price is rising and pretty hard to
        figure the math on what idea of current
        price would be than same old standard
        250 which is hate going to SRB and I
        dislike that company. I know they want
        show me paper work. Cropland here around
        350/ac and easy to figure but not


          Just a fyi GreenValley;
          The main company I have to deal with pays $1900 inconvenience and $500/ac losses per lease. The other company pays less for inconvenience, but more per acre (can't remember the figures off the top of my head). But they work out pretty close to each other in the end. This is Brown soil zone cropland in WC Saskatchewan.


            Cotton, I cannot believe you just said "Nothing we are capable of. " Bill C-18 is LIFE CHANGING for generations to come. I wanted to try to be a grain exporter. For 2 years, I sold a million dollars a year of feed grains into the US and got paid for all of it. I have a cell phone and a fax machine. I check emails in the morning and at night. I am just a 3 dressed up as a 4. But you are fully and completely WRONG when you say that personal marketing is "Nothing we are capable of. " You can save that kind of talk for the coffee shop where you live. There may be a couple of folks who still thrive on negative reinforcement. Or else I completely missed the sarcasm.


              Green valley: I think our prices for adverse affect and loss of use reflect the strong influence of our surface rights group. If you look at the Farmers Advocate area charts for annual rents you will see the area SE of Red Deer to Threehills has some of the highest prices (our main area)? We have a very strong and active surface rights group that encourages sharing info and aiding and assisting SRB challenges. We have a high "pattern" due to compensation challenges at the Surface Rights board.
              Our high adverse affect is a direct result of a surface rights board decision obtained by one of our members.
              Recent annual rental agreements suggest the "pattern" needs to move upward? A recent settlement (through a SRB mediation process) resulted in $2800 adverse and $585/ac loss of use. This was one of our board members land. We are in the process of another negotiation that hopefully will be at least that good (if not better!). Because we share that information within the group.....the "pattern" will continue to go up.
              The loss of use figure of $450 was based on a crop rotation of cereal,cereal, canola....and was a fairly accurate reflection of prices and general yields at the time. Prices have risen since then.
              The companies in this area have created the "pattern" and they all use it and are very willing to use it. We have been able to have a uniform "pattern" (and indeed a rising pattern) because of an informed membership willing and able to challenge compensation at the surface rights board? We are not the only surface rights group in the province getting better returns on oil field activity on our land. Pembina-Warburg SRG get some very strong prices, as an example? There is power in numbers and co-operation. (we have 1400 members)


                Incidently.....our group (Alberta Surface Rights Group) has had to divert so much of our efforts over the last few years fighting the Alberta government over property rights, that it is ridiculous!
                The land grab bills (19, 24, 50, 36) all were designed to take away your property rights for the interests of big multi-national companies.
                We have lobbied government, we have spent time and money holding public information meetings, we have been consumed with getting this legislation rescinded! We have had some success and hopefully more in the future, but it has really taken a toll on our original purpose which was: "to educate, inform and assist our membership on surface leases, pipeline and transmission lines, annual rental reviews, liability issues.
                From a personal perspective the bread and butter negotiating stuff is what I enjoy doing.....I don't like having to fight an industry bought government, bent on stealing our property! Unfortunately that is the situation in Alberta right now.
                We must bring this government back under control......or replace them.


                  Thanks for inf, will check Farmer Advocate for more inf. Beside I figure use my math, use highest yielding 5 yr plan, 60 bus canola, 100 bus cps wheat, 60 bus canola, 100 bus cps wheat and last one 60 bus canola, after net expense would be 420/ ac. If any over 500/ac net return, they must be pretty good. Use USA crop production yield. lol.


                    What the **** are you talking about hobby?

                    That was all about the old topic of the cwb
                    morphing into a private brokerage house that could
                    facilitate the needs of everyone.

                    My point being that this will never happen until a
                    bunch of big wig ag officials figure it out for
                    themselves but i doubt it will happen.

                    As far as someone who is completely addicted to
                    the markets,do you really think i don't want to
                    market my own grain?


                      Cotton, apoloiges, I misread the context of the thread. I really thought you would be in favour of doing your own marketing. I took your quote literally and after Parsley offered to do a little grunt work, the statement struck me as a defeatest attitude that some farmers will continue to carry. Next time I will read posts gooder!(better).


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