Rumors are going around that some grain dealers are talking about $5/bu for #1 feed barley on Aug 1, 2012. I have not heard any numbers on wheat.
I have some barley and will probably hold it until Aug 1, but my main reason for asking is this:
I help some of the neighbors negotiate surface leases and annual rental reviews. The company landmen try to establish a pattern of dealing which basically sets a price for adverse affect and loss of use. This is generally a good basis to start at, or acceptable for farmers who don't want to push the envelope.
The "pattern" in my area is $2200/lease for adverse affect and $450/acre for loss of use. I have suggested to one landman the "pattern" loss of use needs to go up? The "pattern loss of use was based on $4/bu barley and $11/bu canola and has been in effect for well over a year.
Recently a friend of mine negotiated a surface lease renewal of $2800 adverse affect and $585/ac loss of use...but this was a different company and he had very extensive detailed records.
Right now I am helping an older neighbor and I'm suggesting to the landman $2600 advers affect and $525/ far he's not biting! We might need to hold off until there is some kind of indication the loss of the CWB monopoly will actually mean higher prices for barley and wheat? Will we see actual contracts once the bill is out of the senate and given royal consent?
I have some barley and will probably hold it until Aug 1, but my main reason for asking is this:
I help some of the neighbors negotiate surface leases and annual rental reviews. The company landmen try to establish a pattern of dealing which basically sets a price for adverse affect and loss of use. This is generally a good basis to start at, or acceptable for farmers who don't want to push the envelope.
The "pattern" in my area is $2200/lease for adverse affect and $450/acre for loss of use. I have suggested to one landman the "pattern" loss of use needs to go up? The "pattern loss of use was based on $4/bu barley and $11/bu canola and has been in effect for well over a year.
Recently a friend of mine negotiated a surface lease renewal of $2800 adverse affect and $585/ac loss of use...but this was a different company and he had very extensive detailed records.
Right now I am helping an older neighbor and I'm suggesting to the landman $2600 advers affect and $525/ far he's not biting! We might need to hold off until there is some kind of indication the loss of the CWB monopoly will actually mean higher prices for barley and wheat? Will we see actual contracts once the bill is out of the senate and given royal consent?