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In hindsight was the original CWB plebiscite a tactical mistake

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    In hindsight was the original CWB plebiscite a tactical mistake

    While I understand why the CWB did their
    own plebiscite, I'm now wondering whether
    that hurt them in the end. It would seem
    that they would be on stronger ground now
    in demanding a vote if one hadn't been
    held in the first place. Things like no
    access to the voters list, the large
    number eligible and the question did not
    help the creditability of the CWB.

    I agree. I think if they had waited or conducted the poll in a more balanced manner
    it may have helped their case.

    However it wouldn't have changed my opinion and they were probably scared of the
    result if they did a fair poll.


      Ms Public viewed it as self-interest manipilation.

      When the MPs jumped on board, it was viewed
      as political self-interest.

      Couldnt you just smell both Liberal Valeriote's
      and ag-clueless Nicki's leadership aspirations?


        Would it have helped if the board had run a scrupulously honest survey instead of one so obviously torqued in the direction of the single desk that even a kindergartner would see that it was rigged? It would have been seen as more credible but then the Board would not have gotten the result that it wanted. Even so the argument that "democracy" somehow trumps individual freedom, property, and overall basic human rights was never a particulary convincing one.


          It's irrelevant, the cwb's fate was sealed the day Harper won his majority.

          The eight clowns and the friends of the clowns, just couldn't accept that reality.

          Fact is they never will.

          These guys are 21st century Luddites (google it)

          Time is marching on and these guys can't deal with it. The old arguments and the old strategies no longer work.

          Their home has become a rat and flea infested dump occupied by half insane hoarders unwilling to part with years of accumulated garbage. Yet they only see a shinning palace full of valuable treasures.

          The government should have demolished the place and been done with it.

          Even thought it still might be structurally sound I just can't see there being alot of interest in the place.


            Sounds like Adam is saying "The Emperor has no clothes!"


              Should the Friends and the CWB win the battle in court today, they will still lose the war. If Bill C-18 is not allowed because of some legal entanglements, just watch the Prime Minister's next move.

              My prediction is the CWB Act will be repealed WITHOUT any provisions for a voluntary CWB replacing the compulsory one. The 8 mental midgets will have killed the opportunity for farmers to have a voluntary CWB as one of their choices. Fact is, that is what the idiots wanted. All or nothing, Scorched earth.

              I don't particularly care if they shut it down permanently, but others might and they should have been better served by the 8.


                And that bill will come down hard in one swoop,
                Kodiak. Make no mistake, Maude Barlow. Pars


                  Repealing the CWB Act is perhaps the second
                  preference of the Friends of CWB.

                  Comparable benefits will be available if the CWB still

                  Without the CWB the idealists will champion their
                  baby for years, but its "benefits" will become
                  transparent if it continues in similar markets.

                  It matters little to me what happens, providing I get
                  to chose.

                  Cheers Bill



                    Miss spelled choose.. sorry too hurried..

                    Choice is critical.. Bill


                      I agree Kodiak. |It will be swift and sure.


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