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Ritz broke law by failing to call plebiscite: CWB

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    Ritz broke law by failing to call plebiscite: CWB

    That is the headline in the Liberal/Dipper winipeg free press. Never let the facts get in the way of a headline

    Does anyone think the CWB arguements can stick?



      From the freepress

      The wheat board also has a secondary argument. It suggests that even if the court finds that the government did not break the law, it should rule that the government has a duty to hold a plebiscite because it promised one. Matthew Fleming, another board lawyer, pointed to several public statements from Ritz and previous agriculture ministers that indicated farmers would get to vote on any changes.

      "Farmers were promised a vote. The minister himself made that promise," Fleming said.

      "In my submission, the minister should be held to his promise."


      What freekin planet are these guys on?

      Was out in the old barn and saw the remnants of some fifty year old straw these guys haven't grasped ahold of yet!


        If you boys knew how much money and
        employee time, and PR time, and budget
        allowance, and travel, and bad blood, and
        grievous action, was spent on folding organics
        into wheat board marketing, you'd whistle "Dixie"
        all the way to Sniper School signup.

        And you would have blamed organics for your
        money being spent.

        This group of people are the worst I have ever
        encountered as far as maniacal fervor and lack
        of ethics are concerned.....in my farmer's opinion,
        of course.

        They will blame the government for spending
        your money, as well as 'big farmers' and grain
        companies and corporations and goats and my
        This institution has morphed into a horrible
        $$$$pool-swallowing critter. Pars

        This group


          have to be


            eliminated from


              farm operations who want to be successful


                by successful farm operators. Pars


                  Pars ditto to everything you said but wow, I just can't stop giggling to myself and shaking my head at the

                  "(Sniff)Bu..Bu..But, your honor (sniff..sniff) he promised." argument.

                  Has to be a legal first!

                  But just think of the precedent it would set.

                  No more need for written contracts, no need for signitures.

                  It'll be "scouts honour" andand the rule of "pinkie swear".


                    Adam and Parsley, please stop. I'm laughing so hard the stitches are coming loose.


                      Dave they won't stick at the SCC.

                      That's where Somerville had to end up to feed
                      his own grain to his own cows.

                      In the meantime, the CWB is spending your
                      money to fight you. Pars


                        Dave they won't stick at the SCC.

                        That's where Somerville had to end up to feed
                        his own grain to his own cows.

                        In the meantime, the CWB is spending your
                        money to fight you. Pars


                          http://ca.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idCATRE7B601L20111207?pageNumber=2&virtualBrandCha nnel=0

                          Court to rule Wednesday on Canada Wheat Board.

                          So pars if the judge rules in favour of the cwb, I may just sign up for that sniper school you mentioned earlier.

                          Was thinking of something a little more ambitious involving naplam and a black market soviet nuke or two but I guess I need to walk before I can run.

                          That was "The Whistling Dixie Sniper School" right?


                            You're quite feisty tonite so maybe your energy
                            could be directed towards plan 2 if the judicial
                            review sours. Hit me with a plan2, AS. You're a

                            Plan2 suggestion; Next week a mass skypathon
                            to offices of MP's in Ottawa with the main focus
                            being to ask the Min to repeal the Act?

                            And have provincial libraries set up regional

                            Your turn. Pars.


                              Btw, Sniper School is in the PR Dept of the CWB
                              where they have been trained for 65 years to
                              snipe at any farmer suggesting a change to
                              benefit a farmer. Intimidate. Alienate.

                              If you whistle a war tune you can probably sneak
                              in more easily to steal a box of the CWB Annual
                              Snipers manual.

                              After all, farmer have already paid for them. pars


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