Not a scientist but.......
I refuse to be a hypocrite.
Environmental research is important.
Safegaurding is important.
Equally important is the whole truth.
Some stats suggest we are doing much better with land loss etc.
One thing I will not be is arrogant enough to think humans can collapse world weather in less than a century.
I don't have a Phd but I have pumped water in the 50 below. And I've witnessed the smog in China. I was overwhelmed with their populations' desire to have what we have.
China and the US will never sign a document with a ridiculous premise like that of Kyoto. And we were incredibly stupid to do so!
Please acknowledge what you have and how you got it. And stop comparing us to China.
I refuse to be a hypocrite.
Environmental research is important.
Safegaurding is important.
Equally important is the whole truth.
Some stats suggest we are doing much better with land loss etc.
One thing I will not be is arrogant enough to think humans can collapse world weather in less than a century.
I don't have a Phd but I have pumped water in the 50 below. And I've witnessed the smog in China. I was overwhelmed with their populations' desire to have what we have.
China and the US will never sign a document with a ridiculous premise like that of Kyoto. And we were incredibly stupid to do so!
Please acknowledge what you have and how you got it. And stop comparing us to China.