I am truly sick of Liberal Judges and the CWB 8 lifting their leg and crapping on me and my family.
Take one look at the Canola basis today and how tight it is.
Chair Oberg and Judge Campbell are arrogant misled souls who ignore reality at my families and communities expense. I have been consulted on this change for decades and another 6 minutes or 6 years of consultations will make absolutely no difference to the outcome of marketing freedom.
Prices will go up and down... growers either have the self dicipline to hold back sales... like they have done on Canola for the past 2 months... or they may have the forsight to sell before the price drops another 20 percant... depending on what the future hold for our planet.
ABSOLUTELY NO ONE knows what the future will bring. CWB included. How the 'single desk' can help anyone other than make sure we get the lowest price for our grain... is totally beyond me.
Thanks for that consultation... 500 more will still not change these facts or the fact that personal property should not be the object of a vote!
Merry Christmas!
God Bless you in 2012!
God Bless Canada!!!
Thank You every western MP, Minister Ritz and PM Harper... you conservatives are truly kind and gentle people to attempt the end of this evil greedy system the 'single desk' is.
I am truly sick of Liberal Judges and the CWB 8 lifting their leg and crapping on me and my family.
Take one look at the Canola basis today and how tight it is.
Chair Oberg and Judge Campbell are arrogant misled souls who ignore reality at my families and communities expense. I have been consulted on this change for decades and another 6 minutes or 6 years of consultations will make absolutely no difference to the outcome of marketing freedom.
Prices will go up and down... growers either have the self dicipline to hold back sales... like they have done on Canola for the past 2 months... or they may have the forsight to sell before the price drops another 20 percant... depending on what the future hold for our planet.
ABSOLUTELY NO ONE knows what the future will bring. CWB included. How the 'single desk' can help anyone other than make sure we get the lowest price for our grain... is totally beyond me.
Thanks for that consultation... 500 more will still not change these facts or the fact that personal property should not be the object of a vote!
Merry Christmas!
God Bless you in 2012!
God Bless Canada!!!
Thank You every western MP, Minister Ritz and PM Harper... you conservatives are truly kind and gentle people to attempt the end of this evil greedy system the 'single desk' is.