We used to have a dealer that would price protect us. The dealership has changed hands two times since then- Agrium owned now.
I know that "way back when" , it happened a time or two.
Now-a-days a smart marketer (not me) can lock in fert. prices, profitable grain prices, and a portion of production. Some guys can even buy water which is usually the limiting factor.
We are in the situation of buying at year-end-usually most of it is NH3 applied. Most years it is cheaper but not always! This may be one of "those years".
I know that "way back when" , it happened a time or two.
Now-a-days a smart marketer (not me) can lock in fert. prices, profitable grain prices, and a portion of production. Some guys can even buy water which is usually the limiting factor.
We are in the situation of buying at year-end-usually most of it is NH3 applied. Most years it is cheaper but not always! This may be one of "those years".