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Fertilizer prices are dropping!

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    Fertilizer prices are dropping!

    So its that annual time for christmas and fert purchase.
    OK Christs birth and Fertilizer don't mix. But the Winter solstice and Fertilizer are the same BS.
    Any way who has purchased their needs yet. Were still waiting. Told the three dealers sharpen pencils because if I'm giving you cash on Dec 31 you better not give the same song and dance this is what we have.
    The world economy is in free fall and fert should be going same direction. This BS the world is running out of food propaganda is to get us idiots to over produce so their is a steady supply.
    Just once leave the BS with over producing to the Left wing loonies and politically correct.
    Merry Christmas to all.
    #$%F Winter solstice and Happy Winter where the hell has winter been happy.

    Haven't noticed a drop here yet around Calgary.
    Talked with a guy yesterday who was told Nh3 would
    be higher in spring. Could just be that final push to
    get some year end sales locked in.

    I hope you're right, and a drop comes soon although it
    will be too late for me.


      I think they are in the push now till year end then drop in Jan and Feb then up in spring.


        I know it has happened but does anyone recall in the past 20 years, how many times has nitrogen been cheaper in the spring then at previous year-end?


          2008 - short memory??? N 1200/tn fall spring was around 700.


            Not sure if this has been posted. Apologies if it has.

            Cheers... Bill

            http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Parliament change/5833977/story.html


              That's one of the rare times. Always been lower in the fall, when we apply.


                There was one other time I can remember cause I was only managing my farm now for 16 years and can remember many years ago that the dealer told me not to price, he was correct and I bought cheaper later in spring and did not have to pay until end of July. I am not going to commit quite yet until I hear about a price increase.


                  Does the price of natural gas not quarantee a drop?

                  The margins must be huge at this level.


                    One of these days gas is going to be a great trade.

                    http://charts.insidestocks.com/chart.asp?vol=Y&jav=adv&grid=Y&divd=Y&org=stk&sym= NGF2&data=H&code=BSTK&evnt=adv


                      We used to have a dealer that would price protect us. The dealership has changed hands two times since then- Agrium owned now.
                      I know that "way back when" , it happened a time or two.
                      Now-a-days a smart marketer (not me) can lock in fert. prices, profitable grain prices, and a portion of production. Some guys can even buy water which is usually the limiting factor.
                      We are in the situation of buying at year-end-usually most of it is NH3 applied. Most years it is cheaper but not always! This may be one of "those years".


                        POT, AGU, MOS, YARIY, all down hard today in the 2 percent range. Some testing and some well surpased yearly lows. I guess anyone speculating in the fertilizer manufacturer shares in hind site was short sited as the worlds fertilizer prices have been dropping.
                        Is there another stock symbol for Yari?


                          Bought Liquid Earlier on, but have been waiting on Dry. World prices have come off by close to $50 per tonne over past couple weeks. Certainly worth waiting to see what happens in Europe I think? One thing forsure you don't want to be long Canola and Fert, but if short Canola more comfortable with prebuys.


                            I don't know how to post a graphic on this board but nitrogen swap settlements have been trending lower since August. That's unusual over a 10 year time frame but not unusual for the last few years. If you need the tax write off then I'd buy P and wait on the N. If you're speculating I think there's better bets.


                              Check out "fertilizerworks.com" Dec 9th. I was just told today that UAN is short and will not go down - well it is nice to have internet info, lol.


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