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Conservatives Up In New Poll Despite Recent Troubles

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    Conservatives Up In New Poll Despite Recent Troubles

    [URL="http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2011/12/09/conservatives-poll-abacus-stephen-harper_n_1138802.html?1323442439="] Canadians can see through the politicking [/URL]


    Was the poll taken before or after McKay got his "free" helicopter ride?...you know, the one disguised as a training mission?


      Yup, after willy.


        Mcay is a okay,in the militaries books,we are got
        ourselves some new f-35's to fight off big bad spooky
        countries who don't even manufacture cars let alone
        planes,i wonder if my kids,kids will still be paying for


          You conservatives need to look in the mirror once in a while.

          http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a8xSgB-o8o&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL13045D2 472CE32E0


            Ifn this was the truth, then Comedians are
            really, really, really stupid


              The main job of a governmen is to protect it's
              citizens; not grants, not pensions, not bursaries,
              not loans.

              Only strong armed forces can protect citizens.
              Support them with tax dollars. Pars


                I think Cott makes the point that the Cons talk a big
                talk on being fiscal Conservatives but spend like a
                bunch of socialists. Why do we need first strike
                fighter bombers to defend our country? Better
                defence options out there than F-35s. I am all for
                the men and women of our forces - many friends in
                the ranks. But if the Harpies were more sincere than
                a stewardess's smile they could start by taking
                better care of our veterans who have served,
                especially those who have been scarred by their
                sacrifice. And that is all I have to say about that. Oh,
                read your comments re: Stu Wells - when are you
                dropping the ringer?


                  On the military thing, we need a strong
                  and vigourous military. There are things
                  I believe going on in this world, that
                  once exposed will make Hitler look like
                  Santa Claus. The media, left, and the
                  general public really have no idea what
                  kind of crap is going to happen at some
                  point. Trust me, when it happens, you
                  will be wishing you had pushed for more
                  military might.

                  Just my opinion on the military.

                  I do agree however, that the
                  conservatives are not fiscally as right
                  as I wish they were, perhaps they will
                  come around at some point. Conservatives
                  are the old type of liberals, liberals
                  are the old ndp, and the ndp are still


                    Freewheat: At no time do I disagree with having
                    strong Armed Forces. I'm suggesting the F-35 is a
                    white elephant. I will remind you that it was the
                    Chretien Libs who first signed onto the joint fighter
                    task force program. The Aussies and Japan have
                    bailed. Norway is going the same route. I have a
                    friend in the Air Force and here is how 65 fighters
                    break down. About one third of the fleet is
                    designated training and exercise units - basically
                    'dummy' planes. About one third sit in maintenance
                    hangers at any given time. Leaves and active fleet of
                    20 some planes. I suggest for the same amount of
                    money we, like the Japanese and Aussies, lobby
                    Congress to have access to the Super Hornet, of
                    which we could buy twice as many if not more for
                    the same cost. The Super Hornet is superior to the
                    F-35 in every aspect except stealth capability. As
                    for your paranoia regarding new enemies, if it's
                    China, Russia or Pakistan - I'd point out that fighter
                    jets are not needed; a strong nuclear deterrent is
                    what is effective. As for these dust ups like Libya
                    and Afghanistan, is the outcome any better than the
                    initial problem?


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