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Glad when this is all over

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    Glad when this is all over

    I ,like many will be happy when c-18 has reached it's conclusion and life can return to a focus of more positive aspects of farming. While passage of the bill holds positives for my business, it may not for others. Reality is that there seemed no middle ground, so some will win and some will loose. I don't want to continue to argue. Neither side will win the argument nor convince the other. I firmly believe the strength of agriculture in Western Canada is built around the family farm and their ability to chart their own destiny. where we are headed will obviously test that theory.

    I agree,it's unfortunate that Canadians wish to
    expropriate the rights of other Canadians. The ends
    never justify the means. I admire the Harper
    government for doing what's right, in agriculture, in
    the Fire arms registry, and in the maintenance of
    Canadian culture against immigrants who come to
    this country and are determined to change this
    country to their mannerisms.
    These things require political courage. We have too
    many politicians who care only for buying votes and
    not at all for Canada.
    Doing the right thing is expensive, in this our time,
    and has always been the same. Those who stand on
    guard are to be commended, most go for the dollar.


      and in the maintenance of
      Canadian culture against immigrants who come to
      this country and are determined to change this
      country to their mannerisms.

      What is Harper doing here?


        I'm getting tired of redneck hillbillies.


          Time to stop looking in the mirror then stubble.


            Stubble-jumper That's why it's time for
            this to end. Belittling those that don't
            think the same as we do should be
            beneath us all. There is no doubt we are
            different, have been brought up in a
            different circumstance and carry a
            different set of morals and principles.
            That does not make one right and one
            wrong just different. We should work
            together when we can but not be forced
            to work together when we can't.


              Good comments craig!! Although there is lots of middle ground, what I find disturbing is few people are willing to take afew steps toward middle ground and meet others there. Cottonpicken keeps talking about a solution, is anyone listening?


                All it would take is the 8 CWB idiots to make a peace offering which includes a voluntary board and many of us would put a little effort or at least care about Cotton's idea. The "going down in flames" by spending my money against me takes away any middle ground and right now I hope the CWB goes the way of the Doedoe bird. Why even talk about Cotton's idea if there is nothing left of the CWB. Until they move to a voluntary concept, there is no negotiation. Either we have property rights or we don't....there is no middle ground on that point.


                  It needs to be killed in order to rise again(?)

                  No middle ground between the two sides at all.

                  Until the board lovers pledge that our wheat is not their wheat, there will never be peace.

                  Until the board lovers admit that they do not need our good quality wheat to mix in with theirs, there will never be peace.

                  Until Manitoba wheat board lovers admit that they only produce 20% of the milling wheat in the da and they desperately need sask and alta wheat, there will never be peace.

                  Just admit that every farmer has a right to sell their grain to whoever they want and maybe we'll talk - someday.


                    Cotton wrote:

                    posted Nov 27, 2011 16:49
                    I tend to turn emotional when i fail to explain solutions to problems,which
                    exasperates the situation.

                    This is the route to take and satisfy everyones needs.

                    1 month pools
                    3 month pools
                    12 month pools
                    whatever timeline pools
                    spott pricing
                    forward pricing
                    hedge management
                    international markets
                    domestic markets
                    deposit insurance(ask if this is important to mf clients)
                    risk insurance
                    private accountability and transparency
                    open and unending growth potential
                    existing infrastructure
                    existing employee base
                    existing cliental base
                    existing vacuum in global brokerage services


                      I agree craig, I often wonder if in general farmers are as extreme as what we are being portrayed right now to the media and the public. In our micro community I can meet on the street farmers from both sides and opinions and discuss this, joke about what's happenning or coming from the leaders of both sides etc. Cwb supporters saying the board members arguments are lame, and pro freedom supporters laughing at how in the world would you not plan this out better than to be emberrassed and loose the court case. But maybe our area is different, maybe the hardships of poor weather have caused us in our little area to realize this cwb issue is not gonna be the cause of distruction or savior of our farm, but rather a good growing season is the most important. On the other side maybe if people are from areas with great crops you start looking more at the other things to complain about or fix is a better term. And maybe if I was in that boat I would be more determined in my position also.

                      But I agree with silver also it is about an individual freedom. Full marks to ritz etc. on that stand. However to get to that end the law is the law.

                      Can either side say that the kingpins on both sides aren't trying to use this and spin this for their own political gain? While that spinning goes on feed wheat prices are lower than what they should be, and cwb prices will be lower than what they should be, due to the extra costs of the cwb and that gradeable wheat is being sold now as feed, and uncertainty which I see now is beginning to affect next year also. We should be pissed that the 2 sides didn't consider this would result.


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