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What is our next move for pro-choicers?

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    What is our next move for pro-choicers?

    Well as Stubble has said, it's not over 'till the puck is in the net. It really
    feels like our Conservatives are sitting back with a comfy three-goal lead and
    pulling their goalie. IT'S NOT OVER YET BOYS! The CWB and all their commie
    friends have been fighting with every ounce of strength they have and every
    dirty trick they can pull. We're on the side of right, truth and freedom and
    that's enough? I don't feel our side has been fighting hard enough. I'm scared
    as hell that this promised freedom won't happen.

    You want to know how lawyers fight? Call them stupid, they don't say 'no I'm
    not..' they say 'but you're ugly.' They don't defend, they counter-attack.
    We're not even defending here much less counter-attacking these communist,
    self-serving leeches.

    So.. You can't dangle this carrot in front of the real wheat-producing farmers
    and then snatch it away. What's our next move if this legislation fails in the
    next couple days? It would really suck to have to fire up the combine in this
    weather for a convoy to Winnipeg... Semi-trailers with banners blocking the
    number 1 highway? Baseball bats and grain shovels on Main Street Winnipeg?
    Let's hear some ideas.

    Damd! Tucker, alot of these guy's have been giving it thier all. Are big problem is , we don't have access to our pooled accounts like those 8 hyjackers have. Think of all the great PR we could of sent the CWB's way if we could of run TV commercials like they have.
    Have faith, we will be rid of the CWB and it's dictators tomorrow.



      Support the Wheat Growers... I am.

      If the CWB files the injunction... we should definitely should intervene.


        Printed a WCWGA membership application form out.
        What amount of donation are you guys thinken will be needed, on top of the standerd $ 250.00 to see this thing with the CWB threw...?


          The question I have is when we laugh at the friends of the cwb being about 2 people why was there not an event planned by the pro choice side for 10 or 20,000 farmers. That would have been a spectacle no one could have denied. It makes people outside the loop of farming wonder how much support there really is for changing the wheat board. The other side is presenting their case as the big bad majority and their political pocket puppet wheat growers and not many farmers. And what is the response, oh yeah let's all hold hands and join the pocket puppets. You guys are continueing to be played as complete fools. good grief no wonder this thing is a as f'd up and emberrassing as it is for all of us farmers.


            I honestly think someone should make a
            boarder run with a nominal amount of
            wheat and barley. This would get the
            spotlight back on the pro-choice farmers
            and show the ridiculousness of it all.
            The cwb has done a good job changing the
            terms of the debate from marketing
            freedom to the conservative government
            wants this change so it must be bad,
            this is why they have gotten so much
            support from the east.



              I don't know how this 'Border Run' would materially change anything... it is very different today getting into the US than it was in 1996. I need to sell our wheat and barley at the local elevator. Folks like Columbia Grain will gladly buy our wheat and barley... once C18 is passed and the old CWB is put out of its misery.


                The WCWGA are asking for support,
                this is there mailing address on the web
                Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association
                502-45th Street West
                Second Floor
                Saskatoon, Sask
                S7L 6H2

                Allen Oberg and the other directors have abused my
                money for far to long, if we do not stand up against
                this, the Monopoly is going to waste every last
                dollar and paper clip, this must stop.


                  I'm very sorry if my post minimized the work that our many pro-choice
                  champions have been doing. That was not it's intent. Thanks to everyone
                  working on our behalf.

                  I think it wouldn't be hard at all to find the names of a few liberal
                  back-benchers voted out in the last election or two and who are now
                  drawing CWB 'consulting' fees. Show Canadians that they don't even know
                  where the main building is and let the public finally realize why these
                  corrupt 'crazy 8' are fighting so hard to keep the gravy train running
                  for themselves.

                  Why have payroll costs gone up so dramatically at the CWB while the
                  number of actual employees has fallen in the same time period. Jdepape,
                  don't you have some very damning numbers taken straight from their annual
                  reports about this? Those numbers hint very strongly of corruption. This
                  is ammo guys, let's put it in the barrel and fire back at them.

                  Running the border with our grain will never be as effective as pulling
                  back the blankets off the CWB and exposing their corrupt underbelly. What
                  finally toppled the AWB? Corruption exposed!


                    Does this (letter from Ritz below) give you any confidence? It doesn't me. The track record of success by the government -- its strategies, and its legal team, is nothing that gives me any confidence we are any closer today than we were on May 2.

                    Farming freedom

                    By Gerry Ritz, The StarPhoenix December 15, 2011

                    Like western Canadian farmers, our government was disappointed with the Dec. 7 Federal Court declaration. We disagree with it and have filed an appeal on behalf of western grain farmers.

                    The court's declaration will not deter our government from giving prairie farmers grain marketing freedom. As Justice Campbell said in his declaration: "The applicants make it clear that their applications are no threat to the sovereignty of Parliament to pass legislation."

                    CWB board chair Allen Oberg's lawyer said the best they can hope is for the government to "reconsider." Our government will never reconsider returning to farmers their right to market their own crop.

                    We have consulted extensively and developed a comprehensive plan that affords western grain farm-ers marketing freedom while it provides the Canadian Wheat Board with the assistance needed to be a viable, voluntary option.

                    Bill C-18 has wide support from farmers, industry and farm groups including the Western Canadian Wheat Growers, Western Barley Growers Association, Grain Growers of Canada, Western Grain Elevators Association and the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. In addition, governments of three of the four provinces that produce up to 90 per cent of the wheat and barley sold through the CWB support this legislation.

                    Western grain farmers can be confident that our government will see this job through to the end.

                    Gerry Ritz Agriculture Minister


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