Jim Dimwhit is gonna look at rail rates,
fer Albertie. Ifn he gets a chance
cousin he's soo busy wit other impotent
issues in the Province. Dimwhit will
save the day fer Albertie cousin he's a
Conservative and open fer business er
not. Probably the rail rate'll go up,
up up cousin good grain prices witcher
on the way er so we's told!! Buyers'll
pay the freight in sum cases, I been
told by marketeers on Angriville, ya
fer Albertie. Ifn he gets a chance
cousin he's soo busy wit other impotent
issues in the Province. Dimwhit will
save the day fer Albertie cousin he's a
Conservative and open fer business er
not. Probably the rail rate'll go up,
up up cousin good grain prices witcher
on the way er so we's told!! Buyers'll
pay the freight in sum cases, I been
told by marketeers on Angriville, ya