Stop the steamroller was a $million plus
advertising campaign paid for by farmers. The
CWB website had a link on its homepage to the
Facebook page. I don't really care who "owns"
the page now, but it was farmers who paid for all
the traffic that has been sent there.
The fact that those very farmers are censored
shows the ultimate hypocrisy of the site
administrators, and their complaints against the
government not listening to them. They know the
steamroller propaganda can't stand up to factual
advertising campaign paid for by farmers. The
CWB website had a link on its homepage to the
Facebook page. I don't really care who "owns"
the page now, but it was farmers who paid for all
the traffic that has been sent there.
The fact that those very farmers are censored
shows the ultimate hypocrisy of the site
administrators, and their complaints against the
government not listening to them. They know the
steamroller propaganda can't stand up to factual