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Year in review...

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    Year in review...

    Memories... our Pool accounts in the good OLD days...2011

    And then with 58,000 hits, the famous 'Speaking Eskimo' that made MPDavid apologise... and be politically correct...


      Sorry, That should have been 'Talking Eskimo'...

      Another memory...


        My favorite is the nazi video with the subtitles.

        Priceless and quite remarkable the liberals/ndp didn't find that one.


          Lookie forwardie wiltedrosetommie, dont
          dwell in the past, the best is yetty ta
          come. Grain framing kin only get better
          now. Go on a sleigh ride, feel the
          happiness amoungest the framing community.
          Enjoy the season. The manure storm won't
          start, till somebody tries to sort out
          this current confused, abused grain
          marketin mess!!! Doughnut dwell in the
          past, it'll make ya crazier....


            Tom...you talk "eskimo" most of the time but we'll forgive you, but like the video says..."watch your smart mouth". It will get you into trouble.


              Look, all you cwb supporters that are in mourning, Western Canadian farmers grow the best wheat in the world. And will continue to do so because of our environment more than anything. Not because of the CWB.

              Now we will be paid for it.

              Algeria is looking for durum, not because they don't have any, but because the stuff they have is garbage and they can't make pasta. So they come to Canada and will have to pay for it because of the quality.

              A neighbor got back from england and they grow plenty of wheat there but warburton's come here why???

              The quality the farmer grows has nothing to do with cwb.


                Ever notice in the first video the field looks good
                for five feet then it's a shitty wheat crop?


                  bucket, you bring up good points. Quality has always been our marketing advantage, per say. To keep being the suppliers of choise I think it is important to keep our quality system in place.

                  That being said if one wants to grow and sell into a lower quality market they should have that option also.

                  When (not if) we tread into our quality control system I think we had better go a little slower and have a lot more input into any changes.


                    How does anyone feel about us moving to american standards or they moving to ours. I think one of the idea about us taking away the monopoly is that grain should flow unresticted both ways. Perhaps somehow standards on wheat can work both ways. If we want to export to USA we must grow their variety. If they want to export here they must grow our variety. How is this going to play out Tom? One thing for sure some of the open market supporters got a pretty good pair of balls.



                      The CWB and CGC have made WAY more out of the CWRS/DNS differences than the mills/bakers do.

                      Biggest attraction to Cdn 'designated area' wheat was 'free' storage!


                        I almost forgat about the CWB's willie N pluckin strings and screetching away in that Video HAhAhahahahahah. Hey Burbot does that guy have a room beside you at the "home" ??


                          I still think we should be looking for a North American solution.

                          This would help in the transportation logistics. I find it hard to believe because of the 49th parallel(an imaginary line) that the quality of DNS is much different than CWRS.

                          And who's kidding who, the cwb sells based on falling numbers - its the international standard - not the color.



                            ICE wheat durum and barley will all be aimed at the 'northern plain' area... the 49th will eventually mean nothing... just as it is in reality for Canola etc.


                              Year in review for me:
                              Conservative majority
                              Death rattle of Liberal Party
                              Demise of Bloc Party
                              Osama Bin Laden put to rest
                              Iraq/Afghanistan withdrawal
                              Colonel Qhadafi put to rest
                              Arab spring
                              Kim Yong Il downgraded to Kim Yong Dead
                              Western farmers being pushed into a new century
                              Decent crops and prices at the same time
                              More debt
                              Healthier kids
                              Happier mind
                              Its a wonderful life!
                              Merry Christmas
                              Hopes for new Year?
                              Faster Horses
                              Younger Women
                              Older Whiskey
                              More Money
                              And of course
                              Healthy kids and a happy mind
                              Happy New Year


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