CWB supporters and non supporters.
CWB will market grain in a new marketing enviornment with new pooling options and cash prices options supporters support them!
Grain Companies,end users and grain merchants will have a raft of cash price options and some pools non cwb supporters support them.
Banks will come up with commodity swaps hopefully to help with hedging for both camps use them.
For gods sake turn this back into a marketing forum you both will survive and move foward in 2012,wilargo can sell to cwb and tom to cargills or who ever,its done and dusted or i am retiring from agriville
CWB will market grain in a new marketing enviornment with new pooling options and cash prices options supporters support them!
Grain Companies,end users and grain merchants will have a raft of cash price options and some pools non cwb supporters support them.
Banks will come up with commodity swaps hopefully to help with hedging for both camps use them.
For gods sake turn this back into a marketing forum you both will survive and move foward in 2012,wilargo can sell to cwb and tom to cargills or who ever,its done and dusted or i am retiring from agriville