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People to Fire Immediately...

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    People to Fire Immediately...

    "Three Types of People to Fire Immediately

    Want a more innovative company? Get rid of these folks. Today

    By G. Michael Maddock and Raphael Louis Vitón

    “I wanted a happy culture. So I fired all the unhappy people.”
    —A very successful CEO (who asked not to be named)

    We (your authors) teach our children to work hard and never, ever give up. We teach them to be grateful, to be full of wonder, to expect good things to happen, and to search for literal and figurative treasure on every beach, in every room, and in every person.
    But some day, when the treasure hunt is over, we’ll also teach them to fire people. Why? After working with the most inventive people in the world for two decades, we’ve discovered the value of a certain item in the leadership toolbox: the pink slip.
    Show of hands: How many of you out there in Innovationland have gotten the “what took you so long?” question from your staff when you finally said goodbye to a teammate who was seemingly always part of problems instead of solutions?
    We imagine a whole bunch of hands. (Yep, ours went up, too.)
    These people—and we going to talk about three specific types in a minute—passive-aggressively block innovation from happening and will suck the energy out of any organization.
    When confronted with any of the following three people—and you have found it impossible to change their ways, say goodbye.

    1. The Victims
    “Can you believe what they want us to do now? And of course we have no time to do it. I don’t get paid enough for this. The boss is clueless.”
    Victims are people who see problems as occasions for persecution rather than challenges to overcome. We all play the role of victim occasionally, but for some, it has turned into a way of life. These people feel persecuted by humans, processes, and inanimate objects with equal ease—they almost seem to enjoy it. They are often angry, usually annoyed, and almost always complaining. Just when you think everything is humming along perfectly, they find something, anything, to complain about. At Halloween parties, they’re Eeyore, the gloomy, pessimistic donkey from the Winnie the Pooh stories—regardless of the costume they choose.
    Victims aren’t looking for opportunities; they are looking for problems. Victims can’t innovate.
    So if you want an innovative team, you simply can’t include victims. Fire the victims. (Note to the HR department: Victims are also the most likely to feel the company has maliciously terminated them regardless of cause. They will often go looking for someone—anyone—who will agree that you have treated them unjustly. Lawyers are often left to play this role. So have your documentation in order before you let victims go, because chances are you will hear from their attorneys.

    2. The Nonbelievers
    “Why should we work so hard on this? Even if we come up with a good idea, the boss will probably kill it. If she doesn’t, the market will. I’ve seen this a hundred times before.”
    We love the Henry Ford quote: “If you think you can or think you cannot, you are correct.” The difference between the winning team that makes industry-changing innovation happen and the losing one that comes up short is a lack of willpower. Said differently, the winners really believed they could do it, while the losers doubted it was possible.
    In our experience, we’ve found the link between believing and succeeding incredibly powerful and real. Great leaders understand this. They find and promote believers within their organizations. They also understand the cancerous effect that nonbelievers have on a team and will cut them out of the organization quickly and without regret.
    If you are a leader who says your mission is to innovate, but you have a staff that houses nonbelievers, you are either a lousy leader or in denial. Which is it? You deserve the staff you get. Terminate the nonbelievers.

    3. The Know-It-Alls
    “You people obviously don’t understand the business we are in. The regulations will not allow an idea like this, and our stakeholders won’t embrace it. Don’t even get me started on our IT infrastructure’s inability to support it. And then there is the problem of ….”
    The best innovators are learners, not knowers. The same can be said about innovative cultures; they are learning cultures. The leaders who have built these cultures, either through intuition or experience, know that in order to discover, they must eagerly seek out things they don’t understand and jump right into the deep end of the pool. They must fail fearlessly and quickly and then learn and share their lessons with the team. When they behave this way, they empower others around them to follow suit—and presto, a culture of discovery is born and nurtured.
    In school, the one who knows the most gets the best grades, goes to the best college, and gets the best salary. On the job, the person who can figure things out the quickest is often celebrated. And unfortunately, it is often this smartest, most-seasoned employee who eventually becomes expert in using his or her knowledge to explain why things are impossible rather than possible.
    This employee should be challenged, retrained, and compensated for failing forward. But if this person’s habits are too deeply ingrained to change, you must let him or her go. Otherwise, this individual will unwittingly keep your team from seeing opportunity right under your noses. The folks at Blockbuster didn’t see Netflix‘s ascendancy. The encyclopedia companies didn’t see Google coming. But the problem of expert blindness existed well before the Internet.

    Two of our favorites from rinkworks.com: “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.” —Western Union internal memo, 1876.
    And “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?” —David Sarnoff’s associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s.

    At one point in his career, Thomas A. Edison had dozens of inventors working for him at the same time. He charged each with the task of failing forward and sharing the learning from each discovery. All of them needed to believe that they were part of something big. You want the same sort of people.
    You don’t want the victims, nonbelievers, or know-it-alls. It is up to you to make sure they take their anti-innovative outlooks elsewhere.
    G. Michael Maddock is chief executive, and Raphael Louis Vitón is president of Maddock Douglas, an innovation consultancy that helps clients invent, brand, and launch new products, services, and business models. Maddock is author of the upcoming book Brand New: Solving the Innovation Paradox—How Great Brands Invent and Launch New Products, Services, and Business Models (Wiley, April 2011)."


    This is too true to be funny...


    "You Deserve the Team You Get

    After receiving threats and praise, and everything in between, the authors reflect on their controversial columns about hiring and firing

    By G. Michael Maddock and Raphael Louis Vitón


    We have received thousands of comments, scores of e-mails, and a bunch of phone calls in response to our last two columns, Three Kinds of People to Fire Immediately and Three Types of People to Hire Today.

    So, what are the takeaways?

    The biggest one is this: Whether you are a happy or unhappy worker, a good or bad manager, an enlightened or naïve leader, you deserve the team you get. Said differently, we all play a role in what our teams and companies become. We must choose to take control of the results or risk making ourselves victims of the situation.
    Either way, we must live with the results of our choices. For some, this means complaining more; for others, it means leaving for another opportunity, and for others still, it means creating a different reality.

    Your authors aspire to be creators and prefer to hire and inspire creators as well. If you’ve built a culture of innovation, we presume you agree and act in kind.


    The next biggest insight was this: People want to create new products and services because it is rewarding, but it is one of the hardest things for a culture to do.
    And what follows from that insight is this one: You want to make your company a safe place for everyone, because fear is the enemy of invention. To do that requires the right kind of colleagues.
    More specifically, you want to hire people who:

    1. Challenge themselves and everyone around them to co-create the best ideas. “Good enough” never is.

    2. Have an entrepreneurial mindset. No, they don’t need to have started a company in their past or even have had a lemonade stand as a kid. Entrepreneurs—and people who think like them—love solving challenges. The tougher the better. The entrepreneurial mind leads to creation. It reveals opportunities where others see problems. Show us someone with an entrepreneurial bent, and we’ll show you a person who feels completely in control of his or her choices and the outcome.

    3. Complement one another. An organization filled with right-brained, divergent people will probably come up with an endless string of new ideas but lack the discipline to carry them to fruition. A left-brain-dominated, convergent culture will execute well, but the quality of the ideas could be lacking. In our experience, the most innovative companies and the most enlightened leaders have found a balance that allows the team to identify and focus on the most important insights, create differentiated ideas to meet them, and execute the ideas with precision. Is your team in balance? How about your leadership style? Does it create imbalance?
    And as team captain, you want to make sure you do those three things yourself. We cannot stress that enough.
    And now, at the risk of triggering hate mail again, let us underscore whom you simply have to fire if innovation is your charge. When faced with any of the following three types of destructive and consistent behavior—and you have found it impossible to change the chosen mindset that produces it—say goodbye. Quickly.
    But first a disclaimer: We hate letting people go. We think you should, too. A termination often indicates that the company has failed the person. So we agree with the many angry readers who have suggested that you must strive to hire only people with the right DNA and then surround them with managers who make them even better. Then and only then, do you fire them if they don’t improve.

    Now on with whom you should terminate:

    Victims. We all play the role of victim occasionally, but for some, it has turned into a way of life. They almost seem to enjoy it. They are often angry, usually annoyed, and almost always complaining. Victims aren’t looking for opportunities; they are looking for problems. Victims can’t innovate. If this is making you angry, we may be writing about you.

    Nonbelievers. Sure, you want smart, intelligent people to challenge every assumption—especially those assumptions made by the boss. So we are not advocating a staff of sycophants. In our experience, the link between believing in eventual success and succeeding is incredibly powerful and real. Great leaders understand this. That’s why they find and promote believers within their organizations. They also understand the cancerous effect that nonbelievers have on a team and will cut them out of the organization quickly and without regret. If you want to innovate but are saddled with nonbelievers, you’re either a lousy leader or in denial.

    Know-It-Alls. The best innovators are learners, not knowers. The same can be said about innovative cultures; they are learning cultures. The leaders who have built these cultures know that, in order to discover, they must eagerly seek out things they don’t understand and jump right into the deep end of the pool. They must fail fearlessly and quickly and then learn and share their lessons with the team. When they behave this way, they empower others around them to follow suit—and presto, a culture of discovery is born and nurtured.
    “What could I be missing?” is a question every leader should feel comfortable exploring.
    You don’t need the victims, nonbelievers, or know-it-alls to be innovative. You don’t want to hire them in the first place; you certainly don’t want a culture that creates them, and if you wind up with one on your team, it is up to you to make sure they take their anti-innovative outlooks elsewhere. You deserve the staff you get.

    Maddock is chief executive, and Vitón is president, of Maddock Douglas, an innovation consultancy that specializes in inventing and launching new products, services, and businesses. Maddock and Viton are the authors of Free the Idea Monkey (ISB Publishing, 2012), and Maddock is the author of Brand New: Solving the Innovation Paradox—How Great Brands Invent and Launch New Products, Services, and Business Models (Wiley, 2011)."


      "everything that can be invented,has been invented"

      -Charles H.Duell,commissionaire of u.s patent office,1899


        Goodbye Tom...you're fired. Sitting in front of a computer and posting copyrighted material most of the day and expecting to be paid is just too much to put up with. Sloth is not to be rewarded.
        Turn in you keys and the Country Club Membership Card as well.

        Stop by Reception...your cheque is ready including any unpaid holiday pay due you.




          On copyright infringement:

          "There is no answer that applies to all cases as it very much depends on the context.

          "The British Academy and The Publishers Association have published a very useful guide for academics to copyright entitled, Guidelines for researchers and publishers in the Humanities and Social Sciences (April 2008) where the following are taken from:

          " Section 30 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act states:

          Fair dealing with a work for the purpose of criticism or review, of that or another work or of a performance of a work, does not infringe any copyright in the work provided that it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgment."



            The way I read that article is to get rid of anybody who thinks differently than you and surround yourself with either superhuman employees or brown nosing lapdogs. The superhumans can probably be found on any street corner.



              It appears that wiltedrosetommie, may have
              his butt stuck in the chair in fronta his
              pc. Butt hes busy marketeering, just like
              the rest of us. Chiseling 24 7 is the new
              way of doin it. Comedian farming has
              turned a corner. Nationalization is
              apparently a good thing in banana
              republics, sooooo y not here in Comedia?
              Bribing compromising are the ultimate
              goals that wes alll seekin!!!



                We all have the ability and responsibility to change... when a good reason to change is presented.

                Common sense... I thought... isn't that what education is all about?



                  BEST TO YOU IN THE NEW YEAR TOM!!!!!!!
                  Seems like the trolls and nay sayers in this thread are cousins of the GRINCH!!
                  A small book called "Who Moved The Cheese?" might meet their attention span and provide some insight to their viewpoints!!Interesting that the author used mice rather than RATS as his pseudo-characters!
                  These times too shall pass and we`ll recognize the history made!!!
                  Again,BEST IN `12 TOM!!!!!!!!!!



                    Great to see you are expanding your horizons!!!

                    All the best to you and yours in 2012... we have much to look forward to... and do!!!



                      In the past I have worked with all of the kinds of people mentioned by the author. In hindsight, if we had fired everyone who fell into those 3 categories, we would not have had anyone working there. To have a workforce of people who had no objections or differing opinions on better ways to do things is nearly impossible. A workforce of always happy, highly motivated, agreeable, imaginative, cooperative people is also impossible. imo

                      Some of the crankiest, bitchiest, worst people you could ever stand to be around were sometimes the ones that would go to the end of the earth if it needed to be done. Then when it was done they would curse you out all over again and then deliver time after time. According to this author we should have fired them.



                        It takes all kinds to make the world go around!

                        Ideas are interesting.... but it is the implementation of ideas... that really matters!

                        If we all were the same... it would be a boring world!


                          Tom, I happen to have a few decades of
                          experience as the spoke in the eheel and the
                          steering wheel and I disagree with you. a good
                          manager surrounds himself with education and
                          experience. Some people are unhappy because
                          inept managers surround themselves with
                          lapdogs and the quality of work is reflected on
                          the whole group. Use the strengths of your
                          employees. It takes some effort on your part, but
                          you will see results and high morale.

                          Managing can be much simpler if you engage
                          people in the know who arent continually making
                          errors and too complacent to care.


                            A good managers see the positive in his
                            employees and uses these strengths to his
                            advantage. If you surround yourself with losers,
                            thats all you will have left because good
                            employees will drift away. If you are heavy
                            handed and despotic, no one will respect you.

                            Hate to say it, but you sound pretty tough to work
                            for. Are you hard-nosed Tom. Sounds like you
                            are pretty used to having your way. I dont mean
                            to be disrepectful, but I had to say it.


                              A business will easily fail when its manager fails to listen to the opinions or ideas of the employees he has hired. A manager who has gone to the work of hiring good people with good skills and then doesn't allow them to feel like they contribute to the job, can easily force them into one of those 3 categories.


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