Cost of bin $20,000
lease interest rate 8.63%
lease residual balloon $10,000
bank interest rate 6.00%
Marginal Tax Rate 40.00%
Loan downpayment $4,000
Length of lease/loan 5
Depreciation rate 10.00%
NPV interest cost 6.00%
Lease payment = 3,184
Loan payment = 3,798
Running the numbers through a buy versus lease calculator yields a Net Present Value = roughly breakeven
A higher relative lease interest rate, or lower marginal tax rate would make the lease worse financially.
<b>It's important to know your own numbers.</b>
lease interest rate 8.63%
lease residual balloon $10,000
bank interest rate 6.00%
Marginal Tax Rate 40.00%
Loan downpayment $4,000
Length of lease/loan 5
Depreciation rate 10.00%
NPV interest cost 6.00%
Lease payment = 3,184
Loan payment = 3,798
Running the numbers through a buy versus lease calculator yields a Net Present Value = roughly breakeven
A higher relative lease interest rate, or lower marginal tax rate would make the lease worse financially.
<b>It's important to know your own numbers.</b>