Just a post to let everyone know that Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development will be running farmer meetings to help managers prepare for the new wheat and barley marketing world starting August 1.
The objectives of the meetings.
1) Help farmers understand the changes that will occur and answer any questions you may have on the new marketing system based on the best information available.
2) Start farmers thinking about the implications for their businesses and the changes they will need to make to their marketing plans.
3) Listen to farmer questions and ideas with the objective of working with industry to develop extension materials to support farmers information needs.
Link for the meetings dates and locations is below.
[URL="http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$Department/deptdocs.nsf/All/webdoc13785"]Capturing Wheat and Barley Market Opportunities[/URL]
The objectives of the meetings.
1) Help farmers understand the changes that will occur and answer any questions you may have on the new marketing system based on the best information available.
2) Start farmers thinking about the implications for their businesses and the changes they will need to make to their marketing plans.
3) Listen to farmer questions and ideas with the objective of working with industry to develop extension materials to support farmers information needs.
Link for the meetings dates and locations is below.
[URL="http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$Department/deptdocs.nsf/All/webdoc13785"]Capturing Wheat and Barley Market Opportunities[/URL]