Stupid & framing, go together in
Comedia! Its a Comedian framers buyers
market, always has been. Comedian
framers are on the other hand, price
takers, not price makers, HOWEVER
apparently this is abooot ta change and
wes gonna be in the divers seat from
here on in. Marketeers and chislers are
savin the day, no more confusion er
lacka transparency, benchmarking,
unlimited access to foreign markets.
What could be better, than higher
freight rates, lower gobermont support,
level playin fields, more value added
stuffing, and value chains ta drag us
doon. Yup the future looks bright fer
most read neck, Comedian framers,
although granted there will be a few
losers, mosta us greed bast#$ds'll be
Comedia! Its a Comedian framers buyers
market, always has been. Comedian
framers are on the other hand, price
takers, not price makers, HOWEVER
apparently this is abooot ta change and
wes gonna be in the divers seat from
here on in. Marketeers and chislers are
savin the day, no more confusion er
lacka transparency, benchmarking,
unlimited access to foreign markets.
What could be better, than higher
freight rates, lower gobermont support,
level playin fields, more value added
stuffing, and value chains ta drag us
doon. Yup the future looks bright fer
most read neck, Comedian framers,
although granted there will be a few
losers, mosta us greed bast#$ds'll be