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A look at grain price seasonality and long term trends.

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    A look at grain price seasonality and long term trends.

    Hi Everyone,
    I am doing alot of farmer meetings these days and people are wondering where grain prices are going. Here is the Market School video we did on seasonality and long term trends. This year the market is watching weather and global supplies. The key is to develop your own personal grain marketing plan and to manage your price risk.
    I hope this helps, good marketing,

    Moe Agostino
    Senior Commodity Strategist
    Farms.com Risk Management
    877 438-5729


    Moe, when you look at this years outlook, do you see anything that will break us from the typial seasonal trends or do these trends typically hold no matter what.


      Hi Shaun,
      I am not sure we are going to see the traditional seasonal price run up unless we get some supply shock - most likely weather related. We need to also watch for bearish economic news out of Europe, although I think the market has factored this in.

      Nothing seems to be typical in the markets these days.



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