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What Could happen to AB.Agriculture and Property Rights?

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    What Could happen to AB.Agriculture and Property Rights?

    We should all be concerned... SK; MB;... ALL of Canada. Provinces ar consitutionally supreme in managing all our Ag Assets.

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    Has much changed? In principal NO. Just a few adjustments around the outside edges.

    I attended one of the we are reveiwing land use because we want your vote meetings. To their credit the elected officials kept their mouths shut during the meeting. But when I talked with Evan Berger (agriculture), Diane McQueen (environement), Arno Doerksen, or the local MLA, all were quick to defend the land confiscation bills. If the PC party wins the next provincial election these bills to confiscate property rights will spread across Canada. In the words of George Herron " No man ever ruled other men for their own good."


      Any guesses as to the coming elections' results? I hope at the least the PCs cage is rattled hard and REDford goes. I would however, not want the ND&Ls to gain.
      My prediction Wildrose may get a couple rural ridings this time. It seems Alberta doesn't elect governments but dynasties.


        I voted PC ONCE. After I saw what these leeches were up to after Lougheed bowed out, I have voted for the Liberals or NDP candidates. The PC Party is definitely a "special interest" party and the ordinary citizen does not fit in.

        The ALMA thingy has to be one of the more ridiculous things foisted on the Agricultural sector that I have ever heard of. Better to get right out of responsibility for Agriculture entirely than screw it up with stupid programs and schemes.


          Agreed, these were fake "listening events" to boost election ratings but we still gave them an earful as to what landowner opinion is. Lots of cattle guys at the event I attended - zero local grain farmers. I wondered if they just cared less, or were more trusting of a PC Government?

          I think the Wildrose has blown their chance at a regime change. In my opinion this was the issue that could have won it for them IF they had convinced the urban voter that they were affected by this legislation just as much as rural landowners. Afterall the cities are covered by these regional plans and can have their property titles and marriage licences revoked the same as the rest of us. Time is running out and I think this is an opportunity lost. Not enough rural voters to make a difference either way.

          To top it all we have the Fracking issue. Check out the thread on it in the beef forum:
          Does that concern grain farmers? how would you manage if our water resources are compromised on a provincial scale? Seems AB/BC are about the only jurisdictions in the world welcoming this new type of fracking with open arms.


            It has been a struggle to get urban people on side, but they are slowly awakening to just how these bills are going to affect them. When it finally dawns on them that they are going to be hit in the pocket book through high electricity costs and massive costs for C02 storage, that is when they will get upset.
            The Bill 50 power lines are going to not only drive up household electricity costs but will also drive businesses out of the province. That is not fearmongering.it is simply a fact.
            Bill 24, the C02 bill will cost an initial $2 billion of provincial taxpayer money....with an additional $1-3 BILLION a year in operating costs. That money has to come from somewhere....either as taxes or reduced government programs? You the taxpayer will be subsidizing industry to bury their pollution! It is a pretty tough sell giving Shell and Transalta Billions of dollars while cutting healthcare and educations funds?
            In regards to hydro fracking: There has been no oversite, no proper regulations, a polyanna attitude? Just get her done! The potential to destroy fresh water aquifers and put our health and safety at risk are very real, but the government doesn't seem to care. They are more focussed on oil company profits than your water, your land, or your safety!
            Recently the NDP came out calling for a moratorium on hydro fracking until we get it right.
            It is interesting that all three of the opposition parties are now calling for the repeal of the land grab bills?
            The PC party is feeling the heat, thus the little pretend "We care. We listen" meetings.


              One more thing: The first video is a classic example of why drunks shouldn't get up and make complete fools of themselves at public meetings? It was probably one of the main reasons Premier Redford punted those two idiots!


                DON'T VOTE! Guess what? Conservatives
                win again.......... Albertens are
                sooooo stupid, they don't know how ta vote
                fer anything other than a PC. Bales a hay
                could win the election ifn, they could
                become PC candidates. Me and my longggggg
                gun protect our property rights. The
                gobermont mosta times nowadays is the
                enemy. Don't ya think?


                  Again I'm surprised how little comment this brings
                  from grain growers - the consensus view on this
                  forum seemed to think the cwb issue was a serious
                  property rights issue but it seems the Government
                  taking their land is less of a concern. Maybe they
                  don't believe the conservatives would do such a


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