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Bump.... Northgate SK "facility" update

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    Bump.... Northgate SK "facility" update

    Because of the design of this website, topics quickly become buried within a few days (or hours). Thus the need to start a new thread to get attention again. Don't forget the old threads as they are sometimes referred to; and reread.

    A little more info. I phoned the Farm Land Security Board. I was told that non-residents and "non-Canadian entities" who wish to purchase more than 10 acres of farmland; require an Order from the Farm Land Security Board. He refreshed his memory and read the same details and caveats that are posted on the internet. As for buying as much property in the City of Estevan; or the hamlet of Northgate; it is not within the juridiction of the Farmland Security Board and I was told he was not aware of any other prior oversight requirement for anyone to purchase other than farmland in Sask.
    Corus has title to basically all the section of land on all sides adjoining the quite extensive CNR "railyard" in Northgate. The CNR rail property property is currently assessed at some 1.3 million or so. The adjoining land assessment are quite low as is expected to be for relatively poor farmland comprised of pasture, rocks and water runs. Take a look at SAMAVIEW on the internet to see more assessment info for basically every property in Sask. Its awesome.

    As for the 250 surveyed lots and streets in the hamlet of Northgate; there are well in excess of 169 in the name of the RM of Enniskillen. I would estimate the RM holds title to a good 80% plus of lots and the certainly land area ( no thanks to the Council who remain tight lipped) about the existance of Corus's plans or the Council's decisions. Too bad someone else would'nt phone up to ask about the availability of property for your possibile " hotel/ motel accomodation" project near Northgate. It could well be a company town. The previously surveyed reservoir, pipeline corridor and water storage area that could have served the community has already been acquired by Corus.

    I asked the Farm Land Security Board what the "facility" entailed. and it took several seconds to receive an answer. It is "oil related". My speculation is that the option is open for a lot more than that (up until 2016 when they are ordered to dispose of surplus land to the "facilty". We'' see if the RM has similarly protected our public property.. We'll also see how RM zoning bylaw changes are triggered; building codes; building inspectors etc. all fit in; but don't expect any input into the ratepayer's long term goals and development plan which Council now appears to be interested in.
    The speculation about Corus acquiring the land all the way to Elcott along the railbed appears wrong. Four of their allowed 8 quarters is already burned up, and whomever Corus is; now has a contiguous 1 mile north of the 49th parallel ( with probable imminent ownership of as much of the substancial publically owned land as they want) Still speculating about the facts; as they are not publically available.
    Except for the unknown sale price of the ratepayers' public municipal property; the land sale prices bode well for future sellers. Those wishing to expand are certainly entitled to believe that "non Canadian entities and their affiliate that Corus owns >10% interest in etc. etc. etc and etc. are entitled to think that a new standard has been set for land values. And believe me; this area may well see the gap between adjoining states and provinces further narrow.
    Everything (rocks and pastureland and waterruns) is selling for well over $1000 per acre (eg 124 acres for about $134,000 and 98 acres for 106,000 etc) (I think that is correct or close; but surely someone else can check into Land Titles on their own. That too doesn't cost anything (if done correctly and by not giving any credit card or personal info); but because basically no one asks or is interesred enough on their own; I suspect that the very interesting info on the ISC website is underutilized. Again where's the real contribution from people such as "cotton"

    How long have you been following agriville?

    Who the **** are you to question my contribution?

    How many paragraphs have you contributed
    compared to me?


      And use your damn brain for ten seconds,of
      course it is oil related.


        I'm sorely afraid that cotton will win this argument by dragging me down to his level and then proceeding to beat me with his experience. This all after the bold claim

        cottonpicken posted Jan 17, 2012 12:58
        I actually know the answer to quite a few of those
        questions,i thought the answers where common
        knowlege,maybe i was told in confidence,i'll get
        back to to you

        Still waiting, but fully prepared to give up expecting any sensible reply.


          What the **** is going through your head wierdo?

          This is a marketing forum about marketing grains
          and oilseeds,not some sick twisted i hatebmy
          local council spring board my own agenda
          everyone should contribute to what im talking

          Go pound sand you ****ing idiot.




          **** off


            And home names does the wierdo use now,iknow
            4 probably 5


              Whoops. That reply didn't add much constructive. You may continue to have the higher quantity of posts; but I will endeavor to contribute posts of a higher quality.


                You are such an idiot.

                And now everyone knows it.

                **** your personal agenda.

                **** your commodity marketing thought,which
                you have none.

                Disappear now and come back as a rational

                Did you notice nobody sticky up for you.

                All the handles you have used are worthless.


                  What a unique way to get out of sharing your knowledge or lack thereof. Remember you were the one that posted

                  I actually know the answer to quite a few of those
                  questions,i thought the answers where common
                  knowlege,maybe i was told in confidence,i'll get
                  back to to you


                    Actually what I've noticed is that "nobody" other than you and I have posted anything on this thread. And that is unfortunate that you can not bring yourself back to focusing on the issues iniatially mentioned; and hopefully continue your personal attacks on some other planet. I have no desire to ever have anything to do with whomever you are. Bye.


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