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re: NFU previous post

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    I certainly agree with you on one point. The NFU punches far above it weight in terms of media visiblility. NFU members will drive 300 miles to a farm meeting. And yes they are always loud and noticable. They make the most of radio talk shows. CBC in particular calls the NFU first for comment.

    I guess from an NFU point of view this is a good thing. Sometimes at meetings and on CBC I long for that silent person that is sitting there to say something that reflects the thoughts and wishes of the average farmer (I realize there is no such thing as an average or typical farmer)


      Agree. But just spent time reading on the NFU website. I'm not an economist. Your policies are admirable in their sincerity but feel incredibly unrealistic. How can 30 million people be asked to pay for all this?
      I have confidence that consumers will be able to afford safe food in 100 years.
      Your org. seems to have a strong political focus. Govt. will always need some type of involvment in food policy yes, but I see you as extreme.
      For better or worse I would not want to see my business in Canada look like that in some countries in Europe.
      You may not be an irrelevant org.
      But presently you are unrealistic.
      You are presently outdated. You might prove to be very futuristic ie. Star Trek.
      By the way, more famine hardship has been caused by govts. than any other driver.


        Just looked on the NFU local food, there is no local food in Western Canada. Did I miss something?


          Reading this thread laid up in hospital recovering
          from hip replacement.
          Not knowing who is right or wrong policy wise I
          don't care but at least grass farmer is doing
          something , farmer apathy is a huge problem in
          Australia regarding farm policy groups.
          At least nfu is doing something wether it's right or
          wrong far better than doing zero.
          Ps I know I'm out of my depth on this topic


            What? No local food in the designated area?
            Does this somehow have to do with the removal
            of the monopoly? Is the food supply in western
            Canada secure without the smarts of the CWB?
            Who is going to save us from ourselves? ...Sorry
            not very valuable input but I just could not resist!


              Blackpowder your views are valid and I like reading
              them - makes a change from the usual mindless,
              ignorant abuse thrown at the organization. I don't
              know all the answers - I'm not an official with the
              NFU or anything merely a member.

              Hopper, I know there is plenty local food being
              produced and sold by NFU members in Western
              Canada. Maybe they just aren't using the listing
              facility on the website? - I know we haven't to date,
              we can sell out of $90k of meat a year off the back
              of our own website and word of mouth from
              existing customers. I think that is general of the
              direct marketing sector just now - demand far
              exceeds supply so we don't need to advertise too

              malleefarmer, I agree with you on the apathy I think
              it is about the biggest problem here. Apathy borne
              of the horrible demographics of the farm population
              in western Canada. A real problem for sure in most


                The farmers here who complain the loudest are
                in no farmer organizations and just complain how
                poorly they are run and policy etc etc but won't
                get of there asses to do something about it.

                We too have farm bodies completely diametrically
                opposed in policy etc but I'm a member of both
                and try to have useful input into both rather than
                sticking ones head up ones anus and then talking


                  And I would like to thank everyone for provoking me to reflect on some of this and educate myself on some of the good you do. Hope I remember a little.
                  Gotta admit I don't have a dog and it's so easy to take a kick at NFU.
                  Now what am I gonna do?


                    The nfu apparently represents grass-roots farmers. So
                    what is a grass-roots farmer anyways?


                      Just "google" grass-roots farmer and you will find enough material to keep you going for hours.


                        Wilagro, So... I do not count as a
                        grassroots farmer cause the NFU hates
                        me? Wow talk about hypocrazy. Sob story,
                        the crazy 8 burnt many bridges to
                        commercial grain growers. So now we do
                        not count? Why not get burb and grassy
                        to be positive for a moment... good CWB
                        policy changes... the sun will rise this
                        morning...I bet!


                          There is one word for their type FEAR MONGERS...Always scared of change and tommorrow... The sun is coming up.


                            Commercial grain farmers were vastly under-
                            represented in last falls CWB "plebiscite", the
                            NFU have demonstrated that they are completely
                            Ok with that.  Pretending to be on our side while
                            advocating policies which are harmful to our
                            Judging the NFU press releases, they have never
                            advocated for farmers who actually want to make
                            their living from grain farming.  They continue to
                            reside on the leftwing lunatic fringe with ideas
                            which are antithetical to the hardworking
                            entrepreneurial spirit that built western Canadian
                            Being against market freedom is only one
                            example in a long list of bad policy.


                              List of things learned today:
                              there is a nfu in US
                              there is a WFO
                              also a CFA
                              All groups are aligned.
                              If they are as extreme as Canada's NFU they do a much better job of hiding it.


                                This thread makes me wanta renew my
                                membership in the NFU, after reading the
                                dillusional angribusiness crew spouting
                                off. These new worldly types are the real
                                threat to Comedian gag. Those who believe
                                that a ritz cracker nose what he is doin
                                and is doin it in their best


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