fairness You have it right on. Why
are us farmers and landowners expected
to give up for the 'common good'.
We are supposed to put up with pipelines
and compressor stations, and venting
without complaining as it will be good
for the economy. There is very little
if any monitoring (ours are not NEB
lines though)and we get one small
payment and disruption when they put the
pipe in and when they dig it up. We had
a neighbor one place over that hit the
pipeline when he was plowing with a 90
horsepower tractor! That pipe
definitely was not down in the ground
far enough.
are us farmers and landowners expected
to give up for the 'common good'.
We are supposed to put up with pipelines
and compressor stations, and venting
without complaining as it will be good
for the economy. There is very little
if any monitoring (ours are not NEB
lines though)and we get one small
payment and disruption when they put the
pipe in and when they dig it up. We had
a neighbor one place over that hit the
pipeline when he was plowing with a 90
horsepower tractor! That pipe
definitely was not down in the ground
far enough.