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Enbridge Pipelines public relations.

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    Enbridge Pipelines public relations.

    One might expect a large public company such as Enbridge to know the value of good relationships with its customers and the numerous landowners with whom they obviously have to deal with to conduct a successful business.
    I can not understand the shallow decision making rationale concerning the company's present attitude about "landowner negotiations".
    Consider a brand new pump station tie in to an existing Enbridge clean oil pipeline. When approached by the Enbridge employee (two days ago) for "surveying permission" ; it was an opportune time to mention that every other company (eg. BP, Trans Gas, Petrobakken, and every known oil company) makes an annual payment for above ground risers, structures and equipment on private property.

    However, the Enbridge response to such a request is an outright rejection and insinuated delays to the oil company which urgently needs a line to ship oil through an essential monopoly service run by Enbridge.
    Well; I like nothing better than a good solid cause and seeing how poor a defence is mustered by supposedly high ranking management officials.
    Calls are in to Pat Nielson and a meeting also scheduled with the "manager" and employees who quite quickly made their decision that there would be no negotiations.
    If there is no desire on Enbridge's part to provide fair compoensation; then what is a person to expect when the issues "abandonment of underground lines" ( surely transferring all liability to future landowners.) or "Grant of Right of Way" instead of an Easement; or free movement of Super B's in farm fields etc. etc. are raised.
    Some support from readers would be appreciated; as I'm taking a stand; and this really is in all landowner's general best interests. The meeting is on Monday. Any interest?

    Hello--Some general advice so that all agrivillers can learn but do put up your email so I can make contact with you in person.


    Organizing SAPL and working with MPLA on the ALberta Clipper project we now have over 5 years of training and knowledge on what it takes to deal with a pipeline company like ENBRIDGE.

    It is all about getting leverage.

    1)How tough is your constitution.

    2)How deep are your pockets?

    3)How much spare time have you got for computer, letters, public speaking to media and attending the Enbridge Shareholders meetings. You only have to have 1 share presently trading around $38.40 but that allows you to attend the annual shareholders meeting and go to the mike and speak "one on one" to Mr. Patrick Daniel and the entire Board of directors. The next annual meeting is in early May in Toronto.

    Things you should know. You will not get annual payment for an above ground riser unless you are willing to take it to arbitration hearing, hiring the best NEB Pipeline Lawyers (Not in Alberta) but out of London Ontario. You will have to raise $$$ and make a case with expert witnesses and battle it out against some of the top lawyers ENBRIDGE will hire against you.

    To begin your negotiation for sure don't accept any deal at the low level. Don't be scared if they threaten you with a right to Entry order.

    I have all the emails for the right of way personnel to the top man HEAD OF RIGHT OF WAY. You got to get to the top to get effective negotiations. Presently you are at the bottom level the "landman".

    In the SAPL/MPLA Enbridge settlement we could not get any more than a 1 time lump sum payment for new risers. Nothing on old and existing risers. To achieve more some of the affected landowners and there was about 30 of them with above ground risers had to go to the 4th hearing of a pipeline negotiation---the arbritation hearing and fight their case. They had to do it on their own outside the general settlement agreement. Knowing from past experience and attending all 4 hearings: Certificate hearing, Detailed route Hearing, Right of Entry Order Hearing and Compensation Hearing. Those landowners that went to the first 3 all lost and lost bigtime making the energy company take you into a hearing. Your best results are to negotiate and often the best deals are just before the doors are open going into the hearing room. Once you go in some $$$ are pulled back on you.

    It is a real lesson in "BRUTALITY".


      I hear you "SAD " and your analysis is right on. It takes a strong case of injustice; and a stronger will from those oppressed, that is not often found in the general population.
      The good news is that there always seems to be a very few who will stand up to the biggest bullies and the most powerful and wealthy companies. The even better news is that once in a blue moon; the underdogs prevail; and there are real gains made for everyone (especially including the apathetic, the disengaged and the majority who have been brainwashed or beaten into submission.)
      Ever hear of a Sask Surface Rights Board of Arbitration" ruling that outright denied the oil company's application. Well, here's a link that warms the heart of those who have felt similar pressure. Imagine the impact on the industry; and I assure you that there has been an impact.
      In fact look at the couple of dozen cases decided in 2010; compared to the fraction in 2011. Is it any coincidence that many more matters were settled by negotiations a year later.
      Now thats probably some real progress; and I'm proud to say that I witnessed a very well conducted victory. Lets hope the next crushing defeat comes as soon as possible; because it is good for the oil industry in the sustainable future.



        This P.S is for the collaborators; saboteurs, apologists and landowners who operate knowing that their best self-intersts can be served by undercutting their neighbors and absolutely everyone in their way.
        At every opportunity, over a long period of years; I have directly asked many oil companies and also their landmen; what their position was on "Board arbitration".
        The responses were usually that they had no experience because they had never had to take that route; or that they had never been to an arbitration hearing although in a couple times they sure felt it might come. All industry persons claimed Arbitration was a last resort.
        The point being that many oil companies view arbitration as a very last resort.
        However; in 2010; at least one oil company started to see "Board arbitration" as a first resort. But they have apparently taken the Board ruling to heart; are now using "landowner negotiations"; and who knows may well evolve into a company that can be recommended as being at least amongst "the best of a bad lot".
        Thats the kind of response I am silently hoping for from Mr. Daniels et al. If disappointed; there are usually some other opportunities tomorrow.

        P.P.S. "SADIE" if you post your email address I would sure respond directly to you.


          Can anyone advise whats the goin' rate for Enbridge pipeline easement, or oil co. flowline?
          In our area of SESK it seems like they're stuck at $1000-1200/ac. but hearing coffee shop talk that 30 to 40 miles over they're getting $1800/ac, assessments being the same! How's anybody else doing?


            Rumor is that Enbridge compensation for a recent pipeline is causing Transgas rates to be unacceptably low. (SE Sask). Transgas is reportedly considering a route tens of miles longer in order not to meet recent rates from Enbridge.
            NOTE: This is pure unconfirmed information which is interesting; but may certainly be partly or wholly erroneous.


              Now here's some information that is 100% verifiable. Last fall CNRL was granted an exemption by the Sask Farm Land Security Board to purchase the SW 10-4-5-W2nd for non-farm land purposes by a non-resident or non-Canadian entity. They exercised that Board order about 4 days ago. They paid $150,000 or about $1000.00/acre. The Surface Rights Arbitration Act and the Regulations and policy under which it is administered has a schedule used to determine what "fair" compensation should be. Check it out; but from memory I believe that for small parcels such as pipelines; the rate is twice the average land value.
              Thus I would think that if oil companies are paying $1000 plus per acre; then someone paying $1800 for a pipeline "Right of Way" per acre is in the right ballpark. And what better evidence that less than 160 acres is worth $150,000 than an oil company actually paying as seen below: I'll check the parcel picture but am going to post this info before it gets lost while navigating to ISC site and back:

              Search By:
              With Criteria: As Of Date = 05-Feb-2012 10:59:51
              Parcel Number = 108030686

              Parcel Detail

              Number: 108030686 Type: Surface Regular

              Status: titled Class: Parcel (Generic)
              Total Units: 0 LLD: SW 10-04-05-2 Ext 0
              As described on Certificate of Title 92R52937(1)J.
              Parcel Value: $150,000.00 CAD Municipality: RM OF BROWNING NO. 034
              Parcel Picture: Audit: History:

              Parcel Ties (0)

              Titles (1)
              Title Number: 141669704 Type: Surface Regular

              Last Amendment Date: 01-Feb-2012 15:42:14.123
              Commodity/Unit: N/A
              Share: 1/1
              Lock Information: N/A

              P.S. Anyone interested in a tutorial on how to use the Land Title site (for all info that isabsolutely free) or Sask Water Corp geology and aquifer info; or Energy and Mines Digital well log and licence info; please speak up.
              All that from a retard, cotten. Still waiting for the info that you claim to possess.


                Divide conquer = Screw Comedian
                Framers. This is a tried and tested
                formula that has been applied time and
                time agin to get Comedians to lay back
                and get F&*ked. Why? Cousin it always
                works. In Comedia you/we own nothing,
                we's subjects, hence we are all tiny
                puffs of mist, in the great scheme of
                the Comedian economy. Like it er lump
                it, big business and gobermont kin do
                anything they want to us simple
                individuals. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!


                  There were a little over 159 acres sold (because of road widenings). Thus price in this case is obviously about $950.00.)
                  Price at Northgate was near $1100 per acre last month.


                    Maybe the same tactics need apply. Er bend over once again and enjoy it Comedian Farmers..........



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